
Some meanings of a sentence

In learning English, I often think both English and Japanese are quite alike in the sense of words.

On the other hand, I notice that a word or an expression, a sentence can be caught by a little different meanings, too. I think it is not to be the same between the pure sense of words and your telling or receiving meaning. The reason is because of adding the meaning for the situation and your background: the people telling or receiving have one's history, area, community, religion, etc.

That’s the same for the Japanese. Even if you use the same words, some people may be unpleasant. So I think it should be considered by dividing words' pure meaning and what meaning telling or receiving in the situation.

In reality, after seeing you, I’ll choose words. For choosing, I need to consider how wrong the words are for you. I think,

        the telling or receiving is a further step ahead
                                                        than the pure meaning of words.

        To create a different meaning,
                one word combines with other words.
                The words combine also with the situation
        to create another bit of differing meaning.

In addition, I sometimes see somebody say some expression is used for a particular meaning. I see that as a reference but I'm trying not to believe them all completely because the elements that make up the situation are not much shown. In those cases, I feel using the expression has the same meaning in even Japanese but because I know the expression is used in another meaning, too.

So I think you should expect your sentences to be interpreted as an unintended meaning until knowing the meaning of all situations used in the world: people, time, place, and occasion.

But It seems people commonly add the reason in sentences in English and I think, the reason you add will increase the possibility of telling as an intended meaning.

Even if so, It is also important to continue to know and learn what meanings the words may have in the situation based on the pure meaning of the word because it's likely to get the skill to read the air of the situation.

