
Something I need

I use a Windows PC and an iPad Tablet with the keyboard.
The PC is in a specific place, the iPad can be put anywhere.
The PC works for my tasks of various, 
the iPad works for my tasks of simple.
I sit with the PC, I lay with the iPad.
Both are essential to me.

In passing, there isn't my smartphone.
I have a cell phone without the Internet.
The smartphone I'd like, but the cell phone to save my money.

Well, since I started learning English, some of my various tasks have been done by the iPad because it's easy and convenient for me to use it right after coming up with a problem in English.

Sometimes, I speak English words to the iPad for inputting. Today's words "ought to" can't almost appear as the inputting, and other words are inputted. My writing words are OK but I might as well give up my talking words.

One of my options for the talking words is I can pronounce them.
I would use the "should" instead of "ought to". Should I?
I'll try to look for others.

In the above, I have used two "well" words in the following article.
The one "as well" here is a good balance of my feelings between "give up" and "not give up", and another is an exclamation.

