
The difficulty for what telling you

It always feels difficult for me to tell something in even Japanese.
In there, it has the following possibilities;

  * Us having the number of words or expressions can differ.
  * It can have different grammar between us.
  * The expression can have different meanings for each of us.
  * I can be poorly telling you.
  * You might get into a mistake.

It may have a different meaning for you, even though I'm telling you by carefully choosing and writing words. That means speaking to be more difficult. So hoping to tell you something right, I may change different words or expressions and retell you.

Many similar expressions or words are worth having.

And now, like saying something in Japanese, I'd get confused to try to say it in English because I don't know many expressions and words. I have a problem like this, as I unfortunately still have many more of them in Japanese than in English. Even if fewer or equal, it can have another problem.

In any case, there are good and bad things.
There is no end to saying what if it was or is.

I had no choice but to discover my way because I couldn't memorize many words and expressions.
Before outputting, I'm more suitable for considering and understanding than memorizing. And since I found the way, having started going ahead on the way.
That is Masa's English Grammar.

It should continue to be good for me.

