
Meet the MarMar members! Maki - supporting "fellow foreign parents" from Canada

MarMar is a non-profit organization that focuses on providing childcare support for foreign residents in Japan, aiming to "create a more diverse and inclusive society so that everyone can express their individuality, accept each other, and shine together". The group hopes to make a difference in the world by realizing diversity and inclusion in child-rearing, which is directly related to the future. We also provide various consultation services and accompany foreigners to support their procedures at city halls etc. with interpretation.

Our organizing members are the drive and fortune of the group.
Meet our members and know their backgrounds and charms!

We are happy to introduce Maki, our newest member who herself is a "foreign mom" living in Canada.

Lives in Canada with her family for four years.
[ What she likes ] Handcraft including knitting and making accessories which she sells at a local market. 
[ Languages she speaks ] Japanese.  Learning English.  Hopes to learn Spanish this year!

Q: What was your first contact with MarMar?
Instagram .  Their posts were so warm, and I felt like joining them.  I sent an email, and here I am. 

Joining MarMar's projects from Canada!

Q: So you join MarMar's projects from Canada.
I regret that I cannot join directly, but I am willing to try anything I can do online. Right now we are working together mainly on social networking posts, and I also do image and video editing.

Beautiful nature in her neighborhood

Q: You are now participating in sending out messages on social networking platforms where you met MarMar!  What was the source of your energy to join?
Myself, I raise two children in Canada.  I want to convey how difficult and wonderful it is to live as a foreigner while struggling with language and cultural differences.  I have been thinking about what I could do for this purpose.

Q: What were your responsibilities before?
I am originally from Hokkaido.  After I got married, I moved to Kanto area and worked as clinical psychologist.  Here, I share my cultural discoveries on social networking platforms.


Her first overseas baby was born during the COVID pandemic. 

As a "foreigner" in Canada

Q:  What you are experiencing now has much in common with foreign parents in Japan.  What was the most gratifying word or support you have received?
I am not very good at English, so I still have the most difficulty with the language aspect.
What made me happiest was the kindness with which they approached me.
There are quite a few foreigners in a town where I live now. But I enjoy living here.  This is because many people are friendly to me regardless of the language barrier.  Three years ago, when I experienced my first overseas birth, I was unable to meet anyone in person because of the COVID 19 pandemic.  But I was touched by the kindness of the people, as my friends sent me messages like "Do you need anything?" and they left a celebrating flower bouquet at my entrance.   I was so moved.  

Message to "fellow" parents in Japan

Q: What is your message to foreign parents in Japan?
Cultural and language barriers, loneliness of living apart from family and friends... living abroad is often envied by others, but I think it is much harder than one might imagine.
But in the midst of it all, there are also many wonderful experiences, such as making many discoveries every day, feeling yourself and your children grow, and noticing the good aspects of your own culture.  If you're going through a tough time, there must be a place that can help you.  MarMar is one of those.    We are in this together.

Q: What does MarMar mean to you?
Everyone is so warm and welcoming, and I am very happy to be involved in the activities. I have yet to meet them in person, so I am looking forward to the day when I return to Japan and meet all.  I hope the support of MarMar gets to more people.

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