
Thinkin' bout「住む」and「暮らす」for ”live"

I live in Tokyo.を日本語に訳すとしたら、どう訳しますか?
What if you translate "I live in Tokyo." into Japanese?


In these way, I'm sure you would express "live" in either ”住む” or ”暮らす”.

They're often used interchangeably, but do you think these two really have the same meaning?

「住む」というのは「居所を定めて、そこで生活する。」「 ある領域に身を置き、生きている。」という意味。
(実は「生活する」も英語にすると"live"になるんだけどね…今回はmake a living と訳します。)
"住む" means "determine where you live, and make a living there" or "put onerself in an area and alive."
(Actually, “生活する” is also “live” in English, but this time, I will translate it as "make a living".)

On the other hand, "暮らす" means "live, make a living" or "pass one's days, spend time"

In short, to put it simply, there is no doubt that both of them can be used as "live”.

However,  it seems like there is a little difference between "住む" and "暮らす" for some reason.

1) 都会を離れて、田舎に住む。
2) 都会を離れて、田舎で暮らす。
3) 都会を離れて、田舎に暮らす。

The above three sentences seem to mention the same thing, but I think each of them seem to include slightly different feelings.

1)に関しては「(誰かが)都会を離れて、ただ 居住地を変えて、田舎に/引っ越すことに した」という[事実]を伝えているだけ、というように私には聞こえます。
As for 1), it sounds like that someone is just telling the fact that they decided to change the place of their residence, leave the city, and move to the countryside, for me.
Of course, some people make the word "住む" have more than that meaning, though.

As for 2), it seems like someone is telling about their intention that they decided to leave the city, move to and make a living in the countryside for a long time. 

そして3) は、2) とほぼ同じように考えられますが、3) からは、田舎に住むことが第二の人生の大きな部分を占めているということも感じます。
Then 3), I can think about it almost in the same way as 2), but I also feel that living in the countryside is a big part of their second life from 3).

However, this is not necessarily the right way of thinking, because it depends on the two personal subjectivity of how the person who conveys the idea puts it in the words and how the reader receives it.

It's really tricky to think about the meaning of words.

As I live in a moderate suburban area, I have a comfortable life with the best of both city and countryside lol.

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