Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim reg
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With reg
.Pattern = "^〒\d{3}-\d{4}$"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
End With
For Each myRng In Selection
txt = myRng.Value
If Not reg.test(txt) Then
myRng.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
End If
Next myRng
選択範囲内の各セルについて、値が正規表現パターンに一致するかどうかをチェックします。一致しない場合、そのセルの背景色を青色(ColorIndex = 5)に変更します。画面更新の再開
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
#excel #できること #vba #郵便番号 #正規表現 #書式チェック #セルの色 #色変更 #条件付き書式 #オートメーション #プログラミング #初心者向け #効率化 #データ検証 #エクセルマクロ #セル範囲 #エクセル操作 #背景色変更 #データチェック #エクセルVBA
Format Cells with Incorrect Postal Code to Blue
This explanation is created using ChatGPT.
This procedure checks the format of postal codes within the selected cell range on an Excel sheet and changes the color of cells with incorrect formats to blue. Specifically, it checks for the format "〒123-4567".
How the Procedure Works
Stop Screen Updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
This stops the screen from updating to speed up the process.Create Regular Expression Object
Dim reg
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
A regular expression object is created to check the postal code format.Set Regular Expression Pattern
With reg
.Pattern = "^〒\d{3}-\d{4}$"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
End With
The pattern for checking the format "〒123-4567" is set. The pattern starts with "〒", followed by 3 digits, a hyphen, and 4 digits.Check Each Cell in the Selection
For Each myRng In Selection
txt = myRng.Value
If Not reg.test(txt) Then
myRng.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
End If
Next myRng
For each cell in the selected range, it checks if the value matches the regular expression pattern. If it does not match, the cell's background color is changed to blue (ColorIndex = 5).Resume Screen Updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
The screen updating is resumed.
This procedure helps to easily identify cells with incorrect postal code formats within the selected range.
#excel #できること #vba #postalcode #regex #formatcheck #cellcolor #colorchange #conditionalformatting #automation #programming #forbeginners #efficiency #datavalidation #excelmacro #cellrange #exceloperations #backgroundcolorchange #datacheck #excelvba