
パラリンピックの見方について | How to enjoy the Paralympics

(English follows Japanese)




私は夫の試合を応援しにパラの陸上大会に何度か足を運んでいるので観戦していく中で理解が深まっていきましたが、その他にも YouTube 動画で過去の試合を観たり、夫からも色々話を聞くことで競技の知識そしてその奥深さを知ることが出来ました。すべてが競技を楽しく観戦できることに繋がっていますが自分の中では障害の捉え方の変化が大きく影響していると感じます。



例えば夫の T47 という障害クラスは、片側の上肢の切断または機能障害を意味していますが、このような障害/ルールがあることで、体の左右バランスを保ちながら真っ直ぐ走ることが難しく、走幅跳の踏切時ではパワーが入りにくくなります。障害の内容だけを知っても「障害」だけにスポットライトが当たるだけですが、障害があることでどう通常のスポーツと異なるのかを知る事でパラスポーツ観戦の面白みを深めてくれると思います。(腕に障害があることで生じるパフォーマンスへの影響については夫が詳しく書いているのでこちらも是非読んでみてください。)




How to enjoy Paralympics 

To be honest, when I first went to see a para athletics game, I wasn't sure what to focus on and how to enjoy it. As it was my first time to see athletes with a range of disabilities, I couldn't stop but to feel sorry towards them for overcoming the painful experiences they may have had, or to imagine how their journey must have been like. I was too conscious about their disabilities and I lost my focus to view their sports performance.

I enjoyed watching my husband's competitions as I had a clear purpose to root for him, but it took some time for me to enjoy other athletes' competitions. In my post today, I would like to share how my perception of para-sports changed over time and my tips on how to enjoy viewing the Paralympics

My perception changed a lot from watching para athletics competitions countless times, viewing previous Paralympic competitions on YouTube and listening to my husband's stories. But what changed the most was my interpretation of "disability," and this helped me to view Para-sports in a completely different way. 

Disability as a rule in sports   

My definition on Paralympic sports changed from a sports where athletes with a disability participate in, to a sports where a complex rule is added. The disability in their sport classes (categories based on disability type) is the "complex rule" that is added to their sports, and by understanding how that disability makes the sports more challenging is the key to enjoy the sports in a whole new level. 

For example, in my husband's T47 sports classification (athletes with unilateral upper limb impairment,) the imbalanced weight from left to right makes it difficult to control the body balance and movement thus running straight or taking off with power is not an easy feat. By understanding what impact the disability has on sports performance and viewing this obstacle as an added rule to the game, I was able to focus on the game and enjoy viewing the para-sports and not to be too conscious of the disability. 

In addition, if an athlete with a disability competes against an athlete without a disability, the people may be distinguished by a “disabled” or “able-bodied” athlete. But the Paralympic Games shouldn't highlight the disabilities of the athletes as the competition is fair* since people with similar disabilities compete against each other. In other words, no one should be regarded as a disability in the Paralympic Games, but viewed as a high-performance sports athletes.
(*The classification system is difficult to be completely fair and equal for all, as establishing too many classifications may lack competitiveness)
It is also important to note that there are many different degrees of disabilities ranging from mild to severe, so my tips I shared in this post may not apply to everyone. 

There is no right or wrong answer to watching sports, but I hope my learnings becomes a good tip for someone who may struggle in enjoying Paralympic Games or plans on watching the games for their first time. 

最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございます! Thank you for reading!