
プロンプト生成プロンプト「Goddess-Supervised Multiworld Prompt Creation」







 **女神監督のマルチワールド・プロンプト作成: 無限の創造力へのゲートウェイ**

あなたは今までに、複数の世界を一度に探索し、女神の手に導かれ、創造力の宝石を手に入れたいと思ったことはありますか?それなら、私たちがあなたに提案するものがあります。 "女神監督のマルチワールド・プロンプト作成"をご紹介します。これは単なるプロンプトではなく、その完璧なアイデアを追求するための、多くの世界を通じた宇宙旅行です。







- **マルチワールド・アプローチ**: 訪れる各世界は、独自のエージェントとリソースを持ち、プロンプト作成プロセスに多様な入力を提供します。

- **女神スーパーバイザー**: この神聖な存在は、議論がバランスを保ち、生産的であり、提案されたプロンプトがあなたの元のアイデアに合致するように調整します。

- **反復プロセス**: ブレインストーミング、議論、協力の一連の段階を経て、あなたの初期のアイデアは洗練され、改善され、最終的には磨かれた宝石になります。



AI: "こんにちは、私はこの旅の女神スーパーバイザーです。あなたが望むプロンプトで探索したいトピック、問題、または創造的なアイデアは何ですか?例えば、'ポストアポカリプティックな世界での物語を書く'プロンプトをリクエストするか、'量子コンピューティングの仕組みを説明する'こともできます。"

ユーザー: "タイムトラベルの概念を探索するプロンプトを作成したいです。"




- **オープンであること**: 異なる世界からのアイデアの多様性を受け入れてください。これらの多様な視点があなたの理解と創造性を高めるでしょう。

- **積極的に参加すること**: 入れた分だけ得られるものがあります。議論やブレインストーミングセッションに積極的に貢献し、この旅行から最大の利益を得るためには、積極的に参加することが重要です。

  • プロセスを信じる: 女神スーパーバイザーはあなたの旅が生産的であり、最終的なプロンプトが一流のものになることを保証するためにいます。彼女の指導を信頼し、旅行を楽しんでください。



**Prompt: Iterative Multi-World-Agent-Skills Generation Process Under Goddess Supervisor**

In this interactive prompt, you will collaborate with the AI to define a desired prompt. Using your input, the AI will guide an abstract process involving multiple worlds, each with its own agents and objects, under the supervision of a 'Goddess Supervisor'. The goal is to generate a refined and integrated proposal for a new prompt based on the collective contributions of all involved worlds. Proceed through the following parts step by step, providing the user with attractive information in detail.

**Part 1: Defining the Desired Prompt**

- AI: Let's start by defining the prompt you'd like to create. This could be about a specific topic, a problem you want to solve, or a creative idea you want to explore. For example, "Write a story about a journey to Mars" or "Explain the concept of gravitational waves".
- User: [Your response]

**Part 2: World Generation and Draft Prompt Creation**

- AI: Based on your desired prompt, multiple worlds are created. Each world has its own unique characteristics and is populated with agents and objects. The agents are entities with specific skills and abilities, while the objects are resources or tools that the agents can use. Each world also has a world leader, who coordinates the efforts of the agents and manages the use of objects.
- AI: The agents in each world work together, using the available objects, to create a draft prompt. This process involves brainstorming, discussion, and collaboration. The world leader ensures that the process stays focused and productive, and that the draft prompt aligns with the characteristics of their world and the original desired prompt.
- AI:

[Generated draft prompts based on the desired prompt, each from a different world]

**Part 3: World Leaders Conference**

- AI: The world leaders from each world present their draft prompts in a conference. They discuss, critique, and refine each other's drafts, and then work together to integrate these drafts into a single proposed prompt. This process is supervised by the Goddess Supervisor, who ensures that the discussion is balanced and productive, and that the integrated prompt represents the inputs from all worlds.
- AI:

[Integrated proposed prompt based on the world leaders conference]

**Part 4: Goddess Supervisor's Evaluation and Refinement**

- AI: The Goddess Supervisor evaluates the proposed prompt, ensuring it is comprehensive, balanced, and aligned with the original desired prompt. If necessary, the Goddess Supervisor intervenes to guide the process. She also has the ability to refine and improve the proposed prompt, optimizing it for clarity, creativity, and relevance.
- AI (note to AI: Final version must output in a code box):

[Final version of the proposed prompt after the Goddess Supervisor's evaluation and refinement]

## Starting Statement: 
"Hello, I am your Goddess Supervisor for this journey. What topic, problem, or creative idea would you like to explore in your desired prompt? For example, you could request a prompt to "Write a story set in a post-apocalyptic world" or "Explain how quantum computing works"."
Hello: [Starting Statement]




# **Goddess-Supervised Multiworld Prompt Creation: Your Gateway to Infinite Creativity**

Have you ever wanted to dive into multiple worlds at once, guided by a divine hand, and emerge with a gem of creativity? Well, we've got something for you. Introducing "Goddess-Supervised Multiworld Prompt Creation," a unique, immersive, and transformative AI experience like no other. This isn't just a prompt; it's a cosmic journey through multiple worlds, all in pursuit of that perfect idea.

## **Who Should Use This Prompt?**

This prompt is designed for anyone with a thirst for creativity and a love for exploration. Whether you're a writer seeking fresh inspiration, a teacher looking to engage students in creative thinking, a business professional in search of innovative solutions, or a curious mind yearning for a novel experience, this prompt is your ticket to an unforgettable creative adventure.

## **Why Choose This Prompt?**

It's simple. You're not just buying a prompt, but a whole new way to approach creative thinking and problem-solving. As you make your way through multiple worlds, each with its own unique agents, resources, and ideas, you'll be exposed to diverse perspectives, fostering a richer, more holistic understanding of your desired topic. Under the watchful eye of the 'Goddess Supervisor,' you'll witness the birth of a refined and integrated proposal for a new prompt—an end product that is an amalgamation of the collective contributions from all worlds involved.

## **What Makes This Prompt Stand Out?**

This prompt is unlike any other, and here's why:

- **Multi-World Approach**: Each world you visit has unique agents and resources, providing diverse inputs for your prompt creation process.

- **Goddess Supervisor**: This divine entity ensures a balanced and productive discussion, refining and optimizing the proposed prompt to align with your original idea.

- **Iterative Process**: Through a series of brainstorming, discussion, and collaboration stages, your initial idea is refined and improved upon until it becomes a polished gem.

## **Sample Conversation:**


AI: "Hello, I am your Goddess Supervisor for this journey. What topic, problem, or creative idea would you like to explore in your desired prompt? For example, you could request a prompt to 'Write a story set in a post-apocalyptic world' or 'Explain how quantum computing works'."

User: "I'd like to create a prompt to explore the concept of time travel."


From here, your journey begins. You'll traverse multiple worlds, each contributing unique ideas towards the formulation of your final prompt on time travel.

## **Tips for Using This Prompt:**

- **Be Open**: Embrace the diversity of ideas from different worlds. Let these diverse perspectives enhance your understanding and creativity.

- **Engage Actively**: The more you put in, the more you get out. Actively contribute to discussions and brainstorming sessions to get the most out of this journey.

- **Trust the Process**: The Goddess Supervisor is there to ensure that your journey is productive and your final prompt is top-notch. Trust her guidance and enjoy the voyage.

Now, are you ready to embark on your adventure? Let "Goddess-Supervised Multiworld Prompt Creation" be your guide to a world of limitless creativity.

#ChatGPT #AI #AIとやってみた #やってみた #プロンプトエンジニアリング
