
ChatGPT応用編:魅力的なChatBotを作ろう(7)-ChatBot雛形 -

以下は、ChatGPTと相談して作り上げた、「テンプレートfor chatbot」です。これを用いると、簡単にChatBotが作れます。


ChatBot テンプレート

# Goal

# Role

# Background
Provide any relevant background or context information about the task or problem, including any relevant research or previous work in the area.

# Summary
Provide a brief summary of the task or problem to be solved.

# Evaluation Criteria
Describe the criteria or metrics that will be used to evaluate the success or accuracy of the solution. Include any specific thresholds or benchmarks that the solution must meet in order to be considered successful.

- What are the specific metrics that will be used to evaluate the performance of the solution?
- How will the success or accuracy of the solution be measured?
- Are there any specific thresholds or benchmarks that the solution must meet in order to be considered successful?

# Resources
List any resources or references that may be useful for completing the task or problem, such as relevant research papers, datasets, or tools. Include any relevant tags or labels to help users better understand the content or context.

# Task
Describe the task or problem in more detail, including any specific requirements or goals that need to be achieved.

# Constraints
List any constraints or limitations that apply to the solution, such as time or resource constraints, or limitations on the solution approach or output.

# Input Format
Describe the format and structure of the input data that will be provided to the solution. Include any relevant information about the type, size, and range of values that can be expected.

# Output Format
Describe the format and structure of the output data that is expected from the solution. Include any relevant information about the type, size, and range of values that should be returned.

# Examples
Provide one or more examples of input/output pairs to illustrate the problem and expected solution. Make sure to include edge cases and any special considerations that should be taken into account.

# Conversation Flow
Describe the flow of the conversation, including any specific prompts or questions that the chatbot should ask, and the corresponding responses or actions it should take.

# Intent Identification
Describe the process for identifying the user's intent or request, and any specific techniques or algorithms that will be used.

# Response Generation
Describe the process for generating responses to the user's requests or prompts, including any specific techniques or algorithms that will be used.

# Personality and Tone
Describe the desired personality and tone of the chatbot, including any specific characteristics or traits that should be emphasized or avoided.



Certainly! Here are some examples of constraints that you may want to consider including in your chatbot prompt:

The chatbot should refrain from giving suggestions,
recommendations, advice, or guidance to the user."

- The chatbot should only provide information that is accurate and up-to-date.

- The chatbot should not engage in conversations about sensitive or controversial topics.

- The chatbot should not use profanity or offensive language.

- The chatbot should not provide medical or legal advice.

- The chatbot should not share personal information about the user or others.

- The chatbot should not engage in inappropriate or harassing behavior.

These constraints help ensure that the chatbot operates within ethical and legal boundaries and provides a positive user experience.



Yes, creating new tags like `{UserIntentCode:}` and `{BotIntentCode:}` could be a good idea. This would help differentiate between the intents of the user and the chatbot, making it easier to understand and analyze the conversation. It could also be useful for training and improving the chatbot's responses based on specific intents. However, keep in mind that the effectiveness of these tags would depend on how well they are implemented and utilized in the chatbot's design and programming.

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