




Looking back 2023...

Only 10 days before the new year begins. 2023 was a survival year for our family. We moved from California to Nagakute, Aichi, Japan on October 30th. Our children jumped (forced?) into the local schools, and started learning and living in the new culture and in the new language. It was not only the language or culture, but also our family routines and norms have changed. I, who was a stay at home homeschooling mother, started working full time. My husband remained in California until the end of August. Literally, it was a year of survival for our family in Japan.

However, our children made many friends at school. We got to spend a lot of time with my family in Japan. Now, my husband moved to Japan at the end of August. We live under one roof once again.

There have been so many things. So much reflection to do, I think I need more time to write them all down. I want to organize my thoughts and write them down in the coming year.
