愛を込めて花束を (ai wo komete hanataba wo) - Superfly - Learn Japanese by Songs!


1:28~ in the video.

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Title: 愛を込めて花束を(ài (w)o kòmete hanàtaba (w)o): : A bunch of flowers with love
Singer: Superfly
Lyrics by: 越智志保(OCHI Shìho), 多保孝一(TABO Koùìchì), いしわたり淳治(ISHÌWÀTARI Jùnji)
Composed by: 多保孝一
Arranged by: 蔦谷好位置(TS(Ù)TAYA Koùìchì)
Released in: 2008
Genre: J rock

※Accents on usual conversation.

(ài (w)o kòmete hanàtaba (w)o)
: A bunch of flowers with love
...愛(ài): love
...(を)込めて(wo kòmete): TE form of 込める(komèru): to put in (something intangible)
...花束(hanà taba): a bunch of flowers

🎵 大袈裟だけど受け取って
(oògèsà dà kedo ukètòttè)
: (I know it) is too much but (please) accept (it)
...大袈裟(oò gè sà): exaggeration
...だ(da): to be
...~けど(kedò): ~ but
...受け取って(ukè tòttè): TE form of 受け取る(ukè tòrù): to receive (something tangible), accept

(riyùù nànte k(i)kànàide yo nè)
: Don’t you dare ask (me) the reason
...理由(ri yùù): reason
...(noun)なんて(nànte): an emphasis for the word right before
...訊かないで(k(i)kànàide): TE form of 訊く(k(i)kù): ask, question
...~ないでよね(nàide yo nè): Don’t you dare ~ (feminine)

(ìma dake sùbete wasùrètè)
: Forget everything just for now and
...今(ìma): now, these days
...~だけ(dakè): just for~, only~
...全て(sùbe te): all, everything
...忘れて(wasù rètè): TE form of 忘れる(wasù rèrù): to forget

(waràwànàide ukètòmete)
: Accept (it) without joking
...笑わないで(warà wànàide): negative TE form of 笑う(warà ù): to laugh, smile
...受け止めて(ukètòmete): TE form of 受け止める(ukè tòmeru): receive (something intangible), accept

(tèrete inàide)
: Don’t stay embarrassed
...照れていないで(tèrete inàide): negative TE form in present continuous of 照れる(terèru): to get embarrassed, be shy

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✨The Whole Sentence✨
= A bunch of flowers with love. (I know it) is too much but (please) accept (it). Don’t you dare ask (me) the reason. Forget everything just for now, and accept (it) without joking. Don’t stay embarrassed.
