
Counter 個(ko)

Counter: 個 (ko)
Things to count: Mostly anything, often something solid and inanimate

How many: 何個(nàn ko) or いくつ(ìk(u)tsu)
Number of ... : 個数(ko sùu)
Several: 何個か(nàn ko ka)

1個 (ìk ko)
2個 (nì ko)
3個 (sàn ko)
4個 (yòn ko)
5個 (gò ko)
6個 (ròk ko)
7個 (nanà ko)
8個 (hàk ko)
9個 (kyùu ko)
10個 (jùk ko)

For bigger
11個 (juù ìk ko)
25個 (nì juu gò ko)
100個 (hyàk ko)
1000個 (sèn ko)
10,000個 (ichì màń kò)


Q. What’s the difference between the counter つ(tsu) and 個(ko)?
... These two count basically the same objects, however, つ(tsu) can count abstract/invisible things while 個(ko) mainly counts those visible things.
(There's) an apple:
りんごが1つ(ringo ga hitotsu) 👍🏻
りんごが1個(ringo ga ikko) 👍🏻

One heart:
1つの心 (hitotsu no kokoro) 👍🏻
1個の心 (ikko no kokoro) ❌

(okàshi wa h(i)tòri
: Up to 3 snacks per person.
...お菓子(o kà shi): snacks, sweets
...1人(h(i)tò ri): one person
...~まで(màde): until~, up to ~

(kokò nò yàsàì wà gòko de ìkura des(u) ka?)
: How much for these 5 vegetables here?
...ここの(kokò nò): here (adjectival)
...野菜(ya sàì): vegetable
...いくら(ìkura): how much (money)
...です(dèsu): polite ending words
...か(ka): ending word for question

(nànko h(i)tsùyòù dès(u) ka?)
: How many do you need?
...必要(h(i)tsù yòù): need, required, necessary

For more counters >> #JpnCountersLJ

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