
英語だけど、英語じゃない(Lost in Translation: It's English But It's Not)

【日本語は英語から言葉を借りているが、その意味は借りていない。】(when Japanese borrows the words from another language but not their meanings.)

Wasei eigo literally means "Japanese-created English" and refers to words that were created by the Japanese and reworked to mean something somewhat different from the English word(s) on which they were based. Wasei-Eigo words have taken on a completely new meaning that has departed greatly from that of the original.

Similar to the English word "Cunning"

In English, "cunning" means clever, shrewd, or crafty. In Japanese, however, it means cheating in an examination or test. You can imagine how this happened, because it would obviously take some cunning to successfully cheat in an exam while remaining undetected!

Similar to the English word "Challenge"

In English, the word "challenge" has a variety of meanings. It can be used as a noun meaning a difficult task or a problem, or as a verb meaning either questioning the truth of something or calling on someone to enter a contest. In Japanese, the word has evolved to have the very positive meaning of trying very hard or striving towards a goal.

Similar to the English word "Tension"

英語では通常、避けたいものである。日本語では、「ストレスレベルが高い」とか、「電圧が高い」という意味ではなく、単に「ハイテンション」は 「イケイケ」、「気分がよい」という意味である。
In English, it's normally something you would want to avoid. In Japanese, that means neither high stress levels nor a high electrical voltage but simply that someone is "excited" or "enthusiastic."

アメリカンドッグ(amerikan doggu)
英語の「American dog」に似た言葉
Similar to the English word "American Dog"

When you mention "American dog" to an American, they would think Terriers, or Shepherds, or Foxhounds, and the like. But this isn't about American dog breeds; it's about a corn dog. Yup, food. Corn dogs didn't even originate in America, but here we are.

Similar to the English word "Revenge"

Rather than a bitter thirst for "vengeance" against someone who has wronged you, seeking "revenge" in Japanese is a more personal pursuit, where you try to succeed at something a second time. Didn't get the score you wanted on that test? Get your revenge by studying for the next one. Failed at making pancake for the first time? Seek revenge by making one that looks the way it's supposed to.

Similar to the English word "Consent"

これは、あなたが電気技師で歴史学者でない限り、英語の知識ではどうにもならない言葉の一つである。日本語を話す人が「コンセントはどこですか」と聞いてきたら、それは何かをする「許可を求めている」のではなく「wall scoket」か、「electric outlet plug socket」のことを言っているのだ。「コンセント」の語源はおそらく「concentric plug」であろう。
This is one of those words that won't be helped by your English knowledge--unless you are an electrician and a historian. If a Japanese speaker asks you where the consent is, they’re not asking for permission to do something, but they are talking about wall socket or electrical outlet plug socket. The word konsento probably comes from "concentric plug."

Similar to the English word "Yankee"

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.
To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
But to the Japanese, they are punk, delinquent kids.
Basically, I don't think Japanese people know that "Yankee" can mean those mentioned above.

バージンロード(baajin roodo)
英語の「Virgin Road」に似た言葉
Similar to the English word "Virgin Road"

Nope, this doesn't mean a highway that's never been driven on before. It's a colloquialism for the aisle of a church that the bride and groom walk down towards the altar.

ドクターストップ(dokutaa stoppu)
英語の「Doctor Stop」に似た言葉
Similar to the English word "Doctor Stop"

This is what happens when a doctor orders you to stop doing something for your general health or for recovery purposes.

「スマート(smart)」は「頭がいい」という意味と、スレンダー(slender)という意味がある。「サービス(service)」は必ずしもサービスという意味ではなく、割引や無料のものを指す。「ツナ(tuna)」は魚の缶詰のことで、「バイク(bike)」は「motorbike」のことだが、「bicycle (自転車)」のことではない。「サイン(sign)」は、アメリカでは合図や看板が一般的だが、日本ではほとんどは「signature」を意味する。「バイキング(viking)」はバイキングとビュッフェの両方を指すことがある。
スマート (Sumāto = smart) doesn’t mean smart, but slender. サービス (Sābisu = service) doesn’t always mean service, but something discounted or free. ツナ (Tsuna = tuna) refers to the canned version of the fish only and バイク (baiku = bike) refers to motorbikes but not bicycles. サイン (Sain = sign) can sometimes refer to signs on the street, which are typically 合図 (aizu) or 看板 (kanban), but mostly means signature. バイキング (Baikingu = viking) can refer to both Vikings and a buffet.

There are many more interesting wasei-eigo to mention, but we all know we don't have all the time to highlight everything. So as a summary, I'm including more words but with less emphasis.
