
時期はずれの芽キャベツで作るかて飯 "Katemeshi" (rice mixed with vegetables and grains) made with out-of-season Brussels sprouts

A minimalist's seasonal calendar

Recipe trivia


Do you know what "katemeshi" is?
In Japan today, it is common to eat white rice, but the diet of ordinary people was different before the start of the high economic growth. Looking at statistics from the Edo period, we can see that with the amount of rice produced at that time, it was difficult for all Japanese people to eat rice, even with the population at that time. At that time, most farmers ate this katemeshi. At the end of the Edo period, a monetary economy was established even in rural areas, so even if there was surplus rice other than what was paid as tax, it was often sold to get cash. Therefore, it was not common to eat only rice in everyday life. It was normal to eat 100% rice only on festivals and special events. If you set aside rice for special days from the rice left over after selling it and use the remaining rice for meals on ordinary days, rice alone is obviously not enough for the physical labor of farm work. So they added other agricultural products. It is called katemeshi in the sense of "rice that serves as food for farm work." Furthermore, potatoes, melons, radishes, and other vegetables that are easy to store have market value, so they were often used for storage or sold to earn cash, and in the end, what was left was miscellaneous grains, radishes, turnips, carrot leaves, taro stems, or other crops and wild plants that had no market value. These unsellable crops were mixed with rice and cooked, or made into porridge. The same is true in neighboring China, where people associate Chinese food in Japan with a lot of meat, but in the past, rural meals were not so luxurious, and meals called cai fan, which consisted of rice and miscellaneous grains cooked in a clay pot with cai leaves, were common. Speaking of cai fan, there is a famous clay pot rice dish called Shanghai cai fan, but this is a luxurious restaurant version of cai fan. In any country, it is only very recently that ordinary people have started to eat refined grains and meat every day.


I envy people who are good at gardening, but the vegetables I grow in a pot as an amateur aren't very good. Plus, because I'm lazy, the harvest time is off and the flower buds of cruciferous vegetables often appear. I've been planting Brussels sprouts lately, but they didn't make it in time for the winter harvest, and the side shoots are finally starting to grow now. However, because it's warm, the leaves don't form a head properly. I don't want to cut the sprouts that are still sprouting, so I leave them alone, but I've ended up with a big harvest of things that didn't turn into Brussels sprouts, which look like petit verts. As expected, I was sowing the seeds late, and I was able to harvest peas that finally started to bear fruit in June, so I combined the two to make a meal. I don't have a microwave or a rice warmer, so after cooking breakfast, I cook cold rice based meal in the evening like the old days. Plus, I can harvest these kinds of sub-production pot vegetables every day. So, inevitably, dinner is often a "katemeshi"



Cold rice (I used half-polished rice and millet here, but you can also use plain white rice)
Broken brussels sprouts (radish leaves, carrot leaves, anything will do)
Peas and edible pea pods
Natural salt



Put cold rice into a clay pot or thick-bottomed pot.
Add vegetable leaves that have been chopped into bite-sized pieces.
Add three times the amount of water as the rice, sprinkle with salt, and bring to a boil over high heat.
Once it starts to boil, reduce the heat to very low and simmer until the leaves are soft.

Tips and tricks:    


It's especially delicious if you cook it slowly without burning it, so it's best to use a clay pot or a waterless pot with a thick layer structure.
You can cook it from raw rice like porridge. It's also delicious using oatmeal.
Any leafy vegetables will do. It's not a dish that requires you to go out of your way to buy leafy vegetables, so it's good to make when the leafy vegetables are about to go bad or when you have excess harvest from your home garden. At the agricultural cooperative store in my town, the majority of people throw away radish and carrot leaves, so if you ask the salesguy while shopping, "If you're going to throw them away, please give them to me," they will usually be happy to give them to you for free. If you don't do home gardening, a farmer's store is the place to go. People in the past did a lot of physical work, so they complained that eating a lot of leafy vegetables didn't fill them up, but it's good for modern people who need to diet low in carbohydrates. It's good to add a mountain of green vegetables. You can get nutrients that you would never get from a cute salad bowl. When you simmer green vegetables until they are soft, you can surprisingly bring out their deep flavor with just the addition of salt. No extra seasonings are needed.
Commercially available leafy vegetables often have a fair amount of residual pesticides, so if you are worried, soak them in 50 degree water and then rinse them with regular water. At 50 degrees, you can wash off more of the pesticides on the surface than with cold water, without washing away the ingredients in the vegetables themselves.
You can also go through all the vegetable scraps left in your vegetable drawer and put in the leftover vegetables. If you have leftover radish skins and tails, carrot stems, cabbage veins, spinach roots, shiitake mushroom stems, leftover bean sprouts, etc., just throw them all in.
If you have leftover hijiki or mekabu seaweed, throw them in too.
If you have any leftover vacant land nearby, you can pick some wild herbs and put them in.
If you want to replenish your protein intake with this one dish, you can simmer some thin fried tofu, gluten, freeze-dried tofu, or roasted soybeans together, or add tofu at the end.
If you really want to, you can add meat or seafood, but for me who wants to enjoy the nutritious flavor of vegetables, this seems like an unnecessary addition.
At the end, you can top it with ground sesame seeds, sesame oil, or chili oil. If you want to add some accent, you can add yuzu kosho, kanzuri, or sansho pepper.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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