あいさつ Greetings
Hello, I'm (my name).
Good morning/afternoon/evening.
I'm (my name), a career consultant and a Japanese language teacher.Nice to meet you.
Thank you for coming.
名前を聞く Asking a name
May I have your name, please?
May I call you ____ ?
How may I call you? (When you expect a nick name or just to make sure.)
アイスブレーク Ice-breaking
(天気の話など) It's (hot, cold, fine, etc) today, isn't it?
(時間通りの開始のお礼)Thank you for coming on time.
(ちょっとほめる)I love your (something you can see on the screen, like the client's clothes, background image, etc. )
守秘義務の説明 NDA explanation
Our conversations are kept confidential and won't be shared with anyone else.
What we do talk about is kept confidential between you and me.
So, please relax and feel free to talk whatever in your mind.
So, don't worry and feel free to talk to me.
I'm here to listen and assist you with any concerns you may have.
¥ 300