





『コピーライターじゃなくても知っておきたい 心をつかむ超言葉術』を読むと阿部さんがその星空の中で自由に星を訪ねることができるのだとわかりました。その美しさを本を通じて感じます。憧れているということです。どうしてもその星空の中で自由に動き周ってみたいのです。



阿部さんにお時間があれば、是非目を通して頂けますと嬉しいです。この英文の著作権は阿部さんものです。翻訳したのは練習の為で、他に使用したり、公開する意図はありません。自分の母にだけ読んでもらいました。母は「Wow, the way he writes is incredible」と感動してくれました。 」





+゚o。.゚*。゚☆+。゚.゚。. 。+☆。゚.o。+

Astonishing is a word I like.


When a circumstance demands for this word, or a moment with someone whose conversational exchange permits such a word, it is genuinely “astonishing.” It is truly a fulfilling sensation.

そう言葉にできる状況にいることも、その言葉をやりとりできる相手がいることも、 ほんとうに素敵なことで。しあわせなことで。

However, there was a moment that I was shocked. It had become an impulsive expression, I thought. It is okay to say “astonishing” if you feel something is genuinely astonishing. However, there was a more profound sensation that gradually drew closer to my personal feelings caused by the magnetic power within “astonishing,” like magnetic sand drawing close to a magnet.

ただある時、ハッとしました。口グセのようになってしまってるなと。「素敵」と思って「素敵」と言うのは もちろんOK。でも「素敵」という磁力のある言葉に、だんだん自分の気持ちが集約されていく感覚がある。 まるで、砂鉄を吸い寄せるマグネットのように。

The innermost subtlety in this expression, are the feelings I yearned to identify.


From there, I stretched out my hand in search of the feelings in the depths of my heart.


The “astonishing ban” is due to my tender affection for the word “astonishing.”


Not long ago, I composed a segment about the “astonishing ban” in the publicized literary work Take hold of the heart, an extreme technique of words. (DIAMOND, Inc.)

先日、刊行した著書「コピーライターじゃなくても知っておきたい 心をつかむ超言葉術」(ダイヤモンド社)「素敵禁止」のことを書きました。

I am by no means saying this word has moved beyond its intended purpose, and that I am inclined to string my bow the moment it glistens in my eyes on an SNS timeline. I am no “astonishing” hunter. So please allow me to express the intentions coupled with the “astonishing ban.” Here is an attempt to acquire a new skill for deliberately establishing an effective technique.

この言葉だけがひとり歩きしてしまって、僕がタイムライン上の「素敵」に目を光らせて、 弓を引こうとする「素敵ハンター」になろうと言うことでは決してないですよ、と伝えたくて、 「素敵禁止」にかける気持ちを紹介させてください。あえて得意技を封印することで、 新しい技を獲得しようとしてます。


I am sure, you as well, have a phrase you use involuntarily.


It is a word you compulsively fall back on in a situation. Dicey, far out, oh my goodness, or other similar phrases, and when used, it is like a flavor enhancer.

特定の状況になった時に、反射的にその言葉を選んでしまうというような言葉だ。 「ヤバい」「すごい」「エモい」など、使えば何でもいい塩梅になる「味の素」のような便利な言葉。

For me, astonishing is that word. One way or another, I use it involuntarily.


That is why I established my rule called the “astonishing ban.”


What could be at the inner part of these feelings?


I tend to adhere to this habit of considering things in detail.


Here is something that happened recently. On a social media feed, there was a picture of a young woman wearing a kimono. Astonishing, I thought. Then I instantly remember the “astonishing ban.”

最近こんなことがあった。着物姿の写真をSNSにアップしている女性がいた。 素敵だ、と思った。でもすぐに「素敵禁止」を思い出す。

Desiring to delve deep to the center of my feelings, I briefly took a moment to ponder, then I commented. After posting, I sensed a bit of uneasiness. Huh! Hold on! Is that truly the appropriate phrase? I mull over what I posted, and I launch the dictionary app on my phone.

その奥にある気持ちを探したくて、しばし考えて「可憐です」とコメントをした。 伝えた後、少しの違和感を覚えた。あれ、待てよ、本当にその言葉で良かったのだろうか? そう思い、スマホで新明解国語辞典のアプリを立ち上げて調べた。

The definition read in this way: A desire to care for with nurturing eyes and urge to ensure the safety of something that seems dainty or frail.

【可憐】ひ弱そうな感じがして、無事でいられるよう、暖かい目で 見守ってやりたくなる様子。

I overdid it! I thought.


I did not perceive her to be dainty. Nor did I feel the need to protect her or treat her with care to ensure her safety. Less concerning is this obligated feeling to look after her, but the nuance of speaking from a superior standpoint. Not what I meant, not at all, not that phrase.

決してひ弱そうな感じがしたわけではない。無事でいられるよう 見守りたくなったわけでもない。というよりその「見守ってやりたくなる様子」って、そのやや上からのニュアンスは なんなのだ。違う、違う、そうじゃないんだ。

I pondered once more. What did I want to express?


The phrase I wanted to convey, rings a bell in a similar way.


Not the first phrase I posted, but it sounded similar!


Thus, I check my dictionary once more and found two phrases, sounding similar, but written differently.


The first definition went in this way: An indication of something beautiful and of excellent refinement. The second definition went like this: An indication of something brilliantly splendorous.


Similar, but different in nuance. At last, I finally arrived.


What I was searching for was the phrase that described beauty and refinement.


I corrected my comment. Even if some do not care about such minuscule details, there is possibly someone that does. And I do believe that concentrating on this level of detail is what makes the difference between being able to capture the heart with words or not.

僕は「佳麗ですね」とコメントし直した。そんな細かいことを気にしないでも、 そう思う人もいるかもしれない。でも、その細かい差の積み重ねこそが、 言葉で心をつかめるかどうかの違いになってくると思うのだ。

What comes to mind is an emotionally explosive movie quote,


a line from a novel that soaks the heart in sorrow,


or the laughter snatching straight-man of a stand-up comedic double act.


Without any mistake, the words that bewitch our hearts are the result of words hand- picked by writers. From the thought that sprouted in the heart, which words will you choose?

僕たちの心をつかむ数々の言葉は、間違いなく書き手が言葉を選び抜いた結果なのだ。 心に芽生えたこの思い、どの言葉を選ぶのか?

I have absolutely no issue with retrieving a word from an easy to reach file drawer in my memory. Although, if you think there is a superior word of expression in a nearby drawer, try reaching out for that uncommonly used file.

一番手の届きやすい引き出しから言葉を取り出しても、もちろん構わない。でも、その周辺にもっと伝えられる 言葉が何かあると思うのであれば、普段使っていない引き出しに手を伸ばしてみよう。

Here is the point I want for you not to misunderstand.


Like a taboo word, “The usage of marvelous is forbidden,” is not what I want to say. 


Something transpired a feeling in your heart, the person you wish to convey that to stands before you. And I do think no expressive word can make the eyes sparkle to the degree that astonishing can. The disposition I want is to be conscious of our habits in how we choose our words.

心に響いた出来事がある。目の前にそれを伝えたい人がいる。目をきらきらと輝かせて伝える 「素敵です!!」ほど、相手に気持ちが伝わる言葉はないと思うのだ。心掛けたいのは、 自分の言葉の選び方のクセを意識すること。

It is a phrase you think; Ah, I always fall back on this word. For me, it is “astonishing,” for you it may be “cool,” or perhaps it is “oh my goodness”; how about trying to reach inwards to the center of these feelings?

よく使ってしまうな、という言葉。僕にとっては「素敵」で、あなたにとっては「すごい」かもしれないし、 もしくは「エモい」かもしれない。その気持ちの奥に手を伸ばしてみよう。


Roughly five years ago, I realized an editor associate of mine was the editor in charge of a book I had just read. I mailed my captivated impressions. The editor was kind enough to reply with this.

5年ほど前のことだ。本を読んで、知り合いの編集者の方が編集担当と知って、熱っぽく感想をメールした。 その時、頂いた返信がこうだった。

Thank you for the compelling mail


Compelling!! In many cases, “charming” or “delightful” is more commonly used, but instead, they choose “compelling”!!!!

...魅惑て!!「魅力的」が一般的だ、よく聞く言葉だ!!! そうじゃなくて「魅惑」て!!!!

These words became seared into an unforgettable memory. The delightful emotions of carefully selected words are like the feeling you receive from a thoughtful present.


From my window, I can see sakura trees. For the time being, I ponder how to put into words their great beauty.



+゚o。.゚*。゚☆+。゚.゚。. 。+☆。゚.o。+



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