英検1級 二次試験対策⑪     2月21日

問題:Will commercial space travel become necessary in the future?



Although it sounds unrealistic so far, I think that it will be necessary.
I have some reasons to support my opinion.


The first reason is the history has been proven.
Only a few centuries ago, even going abroad was unrealistic, but look at the current situation now! The travel to space will be as common as the travel abroad.


The second reason is that the climate change.
Because of the climate change, the nature might be destroyed, and we will be out of natural resources. So, we might need to find alternative resource instead of the current ones to keep our societies.



Although it sounds unrealistic so far, I strongly believe that it will be so common.


・Some people believe that colonizing Mars is not worth the expense and risks involved. What do you think about that?

I don’t think so.
As I said in my speech, the environment in the earth might be destroyed and we might need another natural resource or the place to live. Just in case it happens, we had better seek the way of living in the Mars.


・Do you think that space travel will someday become affordable to ordinary people?

I am so sure it will be.
As I said my speech, a century ago, going abroad was just for rich people.
But now, even students can afford it.
And a few years ago, the Japanese billionaire Mr. Maezawa went to the space with a great amount of money.
So, it might be after my death but I am so sure it will be common among ordinary people.


・Should the world nations corporate more on space research ?

I don’t think so. I mean it’s not our top priority.
The invasion by Russia is ongoing and getting harder day by day. It is said that China is going to invade Taiwan. We need more things to do to realize the world peace before researching the space.
So I don’t think that it is our top priority.


・Does tourism in general harm the environment?

I think it surely is.
The trash thrown away by tourist is the serious problem and the tourists might destroy the ecosystem in the area.
But I cannot say that we should stop tourism because it is a huge industry, and we have more things to do to deal with the problem like educating tourists.








