英検1級 二次試験対策⑦2月15日

問題:Every country should have food



Although it is ideal that every country has food self-sufficiency,
I think that we don’t have to do that.
I have some reasons to support my opinion.


The first reason is that to begin with it is unrealistic.
Japan has a good environment for famers but not all countries have same conditions.
Many developing countries are suffering because they have severe weather conditions, and they don’t have enough water.
So it is impossible to realize.


The second reason is globalization.
Thanks to technological development, we can trade a lot of things everyday and there is no point to lose its benefits.
Also, trading is helpful when building a good relationship with other countries.
Especially for developing countries, timbers are strength in their trade and they will lose one of their diplomatic strategies.



Although it is ideal, I strongly believe that we don’t have to realize it.

・some people believe that poor people are not given enough access to healthy food.
What do you think about that?

I think that it is true. For example, it is often said, in the U.S, the poor are fat because they eat chap but unhealthy food everyday and the rich are in shape because they have enough money to take care of their body. So, we need more affordable, tasty and nutritious food for poor people to solve this problem.

・Should government of developed countries help the poor in their own country before giving aid to other countries.

I think that it is a top priority for the government to help their citizens.
If the problem in their countries is serious, to solve it first is their responsibility.
Of course, I admit in the long term, it will be very beneficial and as developed countries it is an obligation to help developing countries, but I don’t think that the people will not support that kind of president.


・do you think the free trade of the food could solve problems with food security?

It is actually difficult question.
To be honest, I am not familiar with fair trade, but I think that it will be a good solution.
It is helpful for countries with severe weather condition and little space to trade without custom.


・Do you agree that war between countries is inevitable

Yes. I think that war itself is avoidable but the countries with strong power like Russia and China know in the peaceful world it is wise to use their fire power because nobody won’t stop them. As long as there are countries like them, we cannot realize it.




    部分もあるからその時は『わからないけど・・・』で一般論を続けるのが    効果的ってみて『なるほどなー』ってなった。



