
  • 和訳


  • ゴミ箱


  • ネタ

  • ヴォーカル

  • 心理学



[和訳] [明夢] LORNA SHORE - Sun//Eater

What is life but a fevered dream? 人生とは熱に浮かされた夢に過ぎないのか? Their eyes are yet to open 彼らの目はまだ開いていない The gears are set in place to guide me to affinity 歯車は私を親和性へ導く為に配置されてる Atrophy, the thorn of time's aging vine 萎縮、歳月がもたらすの棘 Harrowing winds

    • [和訳] [輪廻] LORNA SHORE - And I Return To Nothingness

      From the earth we will return 大地から私達は還るだろう An inevitable fate 避けられぬ運命 The undeniable truth 否定できない真実 The paragon of life 生命の模範 Return to the earth 大地に還る I shut my eyes and the world drops dead 目を閉じれば世界は死に絶え I lift my head and all is bo

      • [和訳] [夢幻] Lorna Shore - Welcome Back, O' Sleeping Dreamer

        Take hold 掌握せよ Design this world この世界を設計せよ Wake up 目覚めよ Free fall unto this amalgamation この融合へ直下せよ Freed from the tether of the cursed flesh 呪われた肉体の束縛から解き放たれる Enter a dominion of inquiry 探求の領域に入れ Embellish the continuum condition, tow

        • [和訳] [闇空] Dayseeker - Dark Sun

          You held your head up high 'til dying wasn't far away 死が遠のくまで、君は頭を高く上げていた I saw you reaching out for another way to be saved 救いの道を求めて手を伸ばす君を見ていた I watched you cut through clouds when the color faded into grey 色彩が灰色に褪せた時、君が雲を切り裂くのを見た We k

        [和訳] [明夢] LORNA SHORE - Sun//Eater


        • 和訳
        • ゴミ箱
        • ネタ
        • ヴォーカル
        • 心理学
        • ライフハック


          [和訳] [夢幻] Dayseeker - Dreamstate

          Dreamstate 夢うつつ Always told me to keep you close 常に傍に居てと言われてた The feeling's fading when you're a ghost 君が幽霊なった時、その感覚が薄れていく I dream of colors that light your face 君の顔を照らす色を夢に見るけれど But real life showed me it takes away 現実はそれを奪い去ってしまう 'Ca

          [和訳] [夢幻] Dayseeker - Dreamstate

          [和訳] [乾杯] Chelsea Grin - Cheers to Us

          We'll all be dead someday 私達はいつか死ぬんだ So sing this song with me だからこの歌を一緒に歌おう Live up tonight, right, don't make me say it twice 今夜は盛り上がれ、そう、二度は言わせないでくれ So climb up out of that hole その穴から這い上がれ Your shame has taken its toll 羞恥心が重荷になっている

          [和訳] [乾杯] Chelsea Grin - Cheers to Us

          [和訳] [人生] Falling In Reverse - "All My Life (feat. Jelly Roll)"

          Yeah, I've been high and low そう、上も下も経験してきた I've been sober, I've been faded シラフの時もあれば酔っ払ってる時もあった Searching for my love in all the wrong places 間違った場所ばかりで愛を探してた Word up on the streets is I got a bad reputation 街では俺の評判が悪いって噂されてる Yeah, I m

          [和訳] [人生] Falling In Reverse - "All My Life (feat. Jelly Roll)"

          [和訳] [痛苦] SHE MUST BURN - MISERY ETERNAL

          A man who God forgot, indifferent to the populace's rot 神に忘れられた男、腐敗する民衆に無関心 In secrecy, a thrall to his compulsive ways of sloth 秘密裏に、怠惰の衝動に従う奴隷 He hoarded the poppies tears, it strangles the ache 彼はケシの涙を溜め込み、痛みを締め付けた His mind was numbed

          [和訳] [痛苦] SHE MUST BURN - MISERY ETERNAL

          [和訳] [傷心] Bring Me The Horizon - Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd

          I guess that some of us 私達の中には Are just born with tragedy in our blood 生まれながらにして悲劇を背負っているのだろう It's just basic chemistry それは基本的な化学反応の様に Or maybe all these open wounds あるいは、この開いた傷の全ては Is how the light gets into you 光が君に差し込む道なのかも 'Cause I

          [和訳] [傷心] Bring Me The Horizon - Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd

          [和訳] [消星] CROSSFAITH - Stars Faded In Slow Motion

          Why? どうして? You never notice 君は絶対に気付かない You lied every time 君はいつも嘘を付くんだ Why did you crush me down? なんで私を押し潰すの? Why me? なぜ私なの? Tell me how to wake up どうやって目を覚ませばいいか教えて I've waited for you to come 君が来るのを待っていたんだ Ticking clock made me fro

          [和訳] [消星] CROSSFAITH - Stars Faded In Slow Motion

          [和訳] [依存] The Plot In You - All That I Can Give

          It’s hard to think that I’d be so afraid 自分がこんなに恐れていたとは思わなかった To show a piece of me I can’t erase 消えない自分の一部を見せる事を Follow my existence through a sound 音を通して私の存在を追って Try to blind yourself to what you found 君が見つけたものから目を逸らそうとしてみてよ Be still

          [和訳] [依存] The Plot In You - All That I Can Give

          [和訳] [奮励] Falling In Reverse - "Ronald"

          Once upon a time, everything was alright 昔は全てが順調だった I used to feel safe, not a worry in sight 安全だと感じ、何の不安も無かった Then I grew up, quickly realized それから成長して、すぐに気が付いた The world is a fucked up place sometimes 世界は時々とても酷い場所だと Death is at your

          [和訳] [奮励] Falling In Reverse - "Ronald"


          The pale white sheet blankets the Earth 淡い白い幕が地球を覆う Smothering the fields of the Great War 大戦の戦場を窒息させるように Abounded by dulled swords and battered shields 鈍くなった剣と傷だらけの盾に囲まれて Immortalized in the gore 血の惨劇にて不滅となる Crimson snowfall 深紅の雪が降る S



          A scion obliged to our flesh 我々の肉体に縛られた若木よ Relentless inner wrath 絶える事無い内なる憤りを Bathed in moonlight, grave guardian 月光を浴びる、墓守 Matron of the dead, my Death Empress 死者の母、我が死の女帝よ Drift upon the shore of corpses 死の岸を漂い A gate to the world o


          [和訳] [臨終] Dayseeker - Neon Grave

          (I want to feel it come down) それが降りてくるのを感じてみたい Fading fire, I see the sky begin to fall apart 消えゆく火、空が崩れ落ちるのを見る I know you're tired, but you can't keep running 君が疲れてるのは分かるけど逃げ続ける事はできないよ (Can't keep running) 逃げ続けれない Terrified I won't see

          [和訳] [臨終] Dayseeker - Neon Grave

          [和訳] [虚勢] THROWN - backfire

          You talk a lot of shit when out of sight お前は目に見えない所で陰口ばっかだな You're all bark, no bite - you're fragile 全部吠えるだけで噛みつかない、お前はなんて脆い Keep avoiding the fight while running your mouth 口だけ達者で戦いからは逃げ続けてるよな Since I'm such a big part of your miserabl

          [和訳] [虚勢] THROWN - backfire