やっぱり孫引きはNG。やってて良かった原著確認。~Manskiと"perperceived returns"の関係性から~





・プリンストン大学のRobert Jensen教授の
 “The (Perceived) Returns to Education and the Demand for Schooling” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2010,125(2)515-548


However, although there is a large literature estimating the returns to schooling with earnings data, as pointed out by Manski(1993), it is the returns perceived by students and/or their parents that will influence actual schooling decisions.
Given the great difficulties in estimating the returns encountered even by professional economists using large data sets and advanced econometric techniques, it seems likely that typical students make their schooling
decisions on the basis of limited or imperfect information.


この文章で、as pointed out by Manski(1993),はどこまで指すのか?


Manski, Charles F., “Adolescent Econometricians: How Do Youth Infer the Returns to Education?” in Studies of Supply and Demand in Higher Education, Charles T. Clotfelter and Michael Rothschild, eds. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993).

すると、Manski(1993)でperceived returnsはおろかperceiveという言葉が出てくるのは以下の2か所のみ。

The first problem is that, not knowing how youth perceive the returns to schooling, one cannot infer their decision processes from their schooling choices.
Section 2.2 indicates that, if economists want to learn how youth perceive the returns to schooling, we cannot rely on the expectations research performed by other social scientists.

Manskiも"perceived returns"と呼ばれる研究領域に属するかと思っていたが、意外にも(?)いや私が無知なだけかあまり用いられていない。


Having chosen to make assumptions rather than to investigate expectations formation, economists do not know how youth infer the returns to schooling.
If youth form their expectations in anything like the manner that econometricians study the returns to schooling, then prevailing expectations assumptions cannot be correct. Without an understanding of expectations, it is not possible to interpret schooling behavior nor to measure the objective returns to schooling. As a consequence, the economics of education is at an impasse.


Without an understanding of expectations, it is not possible to interpret schooling behavior nor to measure the objective returns to schooling. 
As a consequence, the economics of education is at an impasse.


EconometoricaのManski(2004)はまさにそのような論点。まぁタイトルからして"Measuring Expectations"なので、分かっている人には今さら感があるかもしれないが、私にとっては目からうろこでした。

※Manski(2004) "Measuring Expectations"の参考1

経済主体が選択した結果を表すデータにのみ基づき統計的推論を行うことの限界を指摘したのは,Manski(2004)である.Manski(2004)の指摘は,同一の選択結果をモデル化するのに,選好(preference)と期待形成(expectations)の様々な組み合わせが可能であるというidentification の問題に関わる.通常,経済学者は合理的期待形成を前提として,選好の顕示(revelation)のみに統計的推論の焦点をしぼってしまうが,それでは推論の信頼性が損なわれてしまう.Manski は,経済主体の最適化に基づきながら,サーベイ・データを用いて「主観的期待」を定量化することによって,期待形成に関する仮定を自由にすることの重要性を主張した.
出典:予測サーベイを用いた期待形成に関する研究のサーベイ 上智大学経済学部 竹田陽介先生

おいしい批評生活Manski (2004) "Measuring Expectations"
Manski, Charles F. 2004. "Measuring Expectations." Econometrica 72:1329-76.
