
#27【アルバム紹介#14】🇨🇦Moka Only – Monsterpiece

Moka Only – Monsterpiece

バンクーバー出身カナディアンラッパーDaniel Jones Dentonこと「Moka Only」の6thアルバム「Monsterpiece」をご紹介します

これまでの5枚のアルバムと同様に自主レーベルRapstar Recordsより1998年にカセットでリリースされています(彼が25歳時のもの)



Moka confesses as he runs down his extensive keyboard collection: he has various models from Moog, Sequential Circuits, Korg, Roland and Yamaha ― dating to the analog sound of the mid-'70s ― as well as newer models like the Micro Korg 1 and 2, and a Rhodes '73 electric piano. Moka also employs modules like the KAOS Oscillator and samplers like the SP-303, the SP-555 and the Korg Triton.



The Triton is his mainstay (he's already worn out three pads) along with the SP-303, which he favours for its distinctively gritty sound. He records everything on the Roland VS-2480 digital workstation. Moka also has an impressive collection of unconventional instrumentation scooped from music stores and pawn shops, including a Theremin, a banjo, and a pink toy piano. The rapper/producer is quick to dismiss any pretence of his musical mastery, admitting that he's "not so crazy like I can play the flugelhorn in my sleep upside down underwater. I'm just super-obsessed with music, tones and textures."


その中でも「The Triton」と「SP-303」をメインにして、「Roland VS-2480」でレコーディングしていたらしい


A1「Intro」からのA2「Feels Good Now」が最高なので要チェケラです
