
Eat too much

Hi I'm Keishi!
I keep a diary to learn English. Thank you for reading!
Please be patient my terrible English. haha
Today, I'll writing about my eating habits.

I am spending a one meal a day life for half a year. I feel it works very well for my health and keeping my shape. And I don't gain weight easily after starting one meal a day life.

But recently, I tend to eat too much dinner. I also started to cook for myself, so I can decide what and how much I eat. That is one of reasons I tend to eat too much.

Yesterday I also ate dinner too much. So I feel bad this morning. I realized that dinner decides a quality of the next day's life. I have been cooking and eating without giving that consideration so far.

I have to consider about what and how much to eat dinner from now on.
Thank you for reading!

Thank you so much🙌 溜まったお金で、また何か買ってレビューさせて頂きます😁