


Today, I took a test for the first time and I moved to upper intermediate class.
The test was slightly more difficult compared to the intermediate class's one. In particular, the listening test was much longer than the conversations and the context was complicated.
Actually, my listening test score was 75%.
Before I moved to this class, I almost got 100%, so I was a bit disappointed.
Having said that, there was a good aspect to this listening test.
I think I understood  80 to 90% of the entire conversation.
If I had taken this test before I came to the language school, I wouldn't have understood a lot.
Now, I'm satisfied with taking a challenging test.
The grammar test was almost same as the Intermediate class's test.
The score was not as good as the previous one, but almost all of the questions were understandable.

Today, I got a new teacher.
He is my 6th teacher in Lexis, and I like his class.
Not only because he prepares a lot of activities, but also because we have a lot of discussion time.
It seems he likes competitions.
He prepares a treat and gives it to the winner.
It was not easy to get the treat because he gives a treat only to one person or one group, which won the game.
However, today we had 3 competitions and I got a treat 3 times!
I think this teacher would be my last teacher here, so I want to learn expressions and tips for speaking English as much as possible.

I needed to transfer twice and to wait a lot for the transfer bus and train.


After とlater は一緒に使ったらだめ
✖️After 15 min later.
○  15 min later.

there の前にto は付けない。

get caught in the rain 

have a go 大体try とおんなじ意味

