
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


February 28th 2024 / Veintiocho de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

Today was a good day. As I had a meaningful meeting and was able to complete some of the financial processes that I wanted to finish during February.

Hoy ha sido un buen día. Ya que he tenido una reu


February 27th 2024 / Veintisiete de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

For the past a year or so, Ichito and I have been reading the original Harry Potter series together, in the form of me reading to him before bed. Finally, we finished reading the fourth volume, "Goble


February 26th 2024 / Veintiséis de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

I got a lot of great inspiration from talking on Zoom for the first time in three months with Honoka, who has been involved in communicating the charms of the region to many people through the operati


February 25th 2024 / Veinticinco de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

Ichito had a day off today, with no tennis practice or games.

He seemed to be able to study in a planned and enjoyable way while making time to play games and watch videos.

From the studies we do to


February 24th 2024 / Veinticuatro de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

I tried to watch the afternoon session of the last day of the F1 pre-season test on Dazn's archived streaming video, since I had not been able to watch it in real time, but Dazn had a problem and the


February 23rd 2024 / Veintitrés de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

The 2024 F1 season began with three days of official testing in Bahrain until today. We are very much looking forward to the opening race next weekend.

La temporada 2024 de F1 comenzó con tres días d


February 22nd 2024 / Veintidós de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

I really enjoyed talking about my memories of being an Airbnb host in Sapporo during today's English Zoom session, which I have been continuing with Keita and Yuko every week.

Me ha gustado mucho hab


February 21st 2024 / Veintiuno de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

The 2024 F1 season has begun with the official test in Bahrain. Ichito and I will enjoy imagining what the season will be like as we watch the live coverage of all the sessions on Dazn this year as we


February 19th 2024 / Diecinueve de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

For the first time in a while, Ichito and I are watching a Youtube video about the origin and evolution of the earth and life, based on research results from the Institute for Earth-Life at Tokyo Inst


February 18th 2024 / Dieciocho de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

I watched the movie "Arrival" with Ichito, and it was a very enriching time for us to share our thoughts and impressions from various perspectives.

Vi la película "Arrival" con Ichito, y fue un momen


February 17th 2024 / Diecisiete de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

With the announcement of each team's car for the 2024 F1 season, I am even more excited for the start of the season.

Con el anuncio del coche de cada equipo para la temporada 2024 de F1, estoy aún má


February 16th 2024 / Dieciséis de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

It was very interesting to watch a Youtube video in which an expert explains what a little bit of the essence of generative grammar, a branch of linguistics, is all about.

Ha sido muy interesante ver


February 15th 2024 / Quince de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

I have completed the renewal of my driver's license for the first time in Kamakura city.

He realizado la renovación de mi permiso de conducir por primera vez en la ciudad de Kamakura.

February 14th 2024 / Catorce de febrero de dos mil veinticuatro

I had a great time talking with Takao, who recently started working as a gardener at a temple in Kyoto, via Zoom for the first time in about three years, and we had many meaningful conversations about
