
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


November 29th 2023 / Veintinueve de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

I had a very productive time with Shota, with whom I had a lot of conversations while walking around Kamakura the other day, and today we were able to talk more deeply about each other's visions for t


November 28th 2023 / Veintiocho de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

Today I was able to listen to a group presentation at Ichito's school. It was a presentation of what they had researched about the Koshigoe area where we live, and I really liked him interest in the h


November 27th 2023 / Veintisiete de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

I am excited that I will be able to use Notion to successfully centralize the process of integrating in my mind the disparate databases that I have been managing with various tools.

Me entusiasma pod


November 26th 2023 / Veintiséis de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, the final race of this season, was an impressive event in which Tsunoda, now in his third season in F1, drove an amazing race that could be called a career best.

El Gran Pre


November 25th 2023 / Veinticinco de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

I had a great time talking on Zoom about learning languages with Yuki, who has mastered English and French, and is learning Korean and Vietnamese in addition.

Me lo pasé muy bien hablando en Zoom sob


November 24th 2023 / Veinticuatro de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

It was a wonderful time walking in Kamakura with Shota, whom I had not seen offline for about four years, as we talked about what we have been working on and what the future holds.

Fue un rato maravi


November 23rd 2023 / Veintitrés de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

It has been more than 600 consecutive days since I started keeping diaries in English and Spanish. Every day I realize the benefits of continuing to write about familiar events and feelings, and to re


November 22nd 2023 / Veintidós de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

I had a great time talking with Rika, who continues to explore the essence of abundance through early childhood education in Indonesia, on Zoom for the first time in about nine months.

Me lo pasé muy


November 21st 2023 / Veintiuno de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

Today was tough because my rhinitis symptoms were quite severe.

Hoy ha sido un día duro porque mis síntomas de rinitis eran bastante graves.

November 20th 2023 / Veinte de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

It is very nice to see a lot of full version of National Geographic videos on Youtube.

Es muy agradable ver muchos videos de National Geographic en versión completa en Youtube.

November 19th 2023 / Diecinueve de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

The F1 Las Vegas Grand Prix was a very disappointing result for Tsunoda. There is only one last race left this season, the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix to be held next week, so I hope it will be a good conclu


November 18th 2023 / Dieciocho de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

I enjoy and learn a lot from working with Ichito to carefully consider mathematical concepts from the fundamental roots.

Disfruto y aprendo mucho trabajando con Ichito para considerar detenidamente l


November 17th 2023 / Diecisiete de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

This weekend's F1 race is the Las Vegas Grand Prix, the third to be held in the United States this season. Normally, the Grand Prix in the North and South American continent is held late at night (Jap


November 16th 2023 / Dieciséis de Noviembre de dos mil veintitrés

I am happy to see that my understanding of differential equations, linear algebra, and other series on college math and physics on Youtube channels that I have been watching for about 5 years now is s
