
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


30th May 2023 / Treinta de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

There was a meeting today that lasted about 10 hours, and it was a productive day with rich content and many things that will lead to the future.

Hoy ha habido una reunion que ha durado unas 10 horas


29th May 2023 / Veintinueve de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

I appreciate the fact that I can deepen my Spanish learning by reading the SNS posts of my Spanish friend.

Aprecio el hecho de poder profundizar en mi aprendizaje del español leyendo los posts del SN


28th May 2023 / Veintiocho de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

I had the pleasure of meeting with Yuko and Yuka in Kamakura, as the three of us had hoped to do.

It was about a year and a half ago that I first connected with the two of them online, and it was bec


27th May 2023 / Veintisiete de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

Today I went to the tennis court with Ichito for his tennis practice in the evening. Ichito seems happy to be able to practice with me on days when he doesn't have club activities, and for me it's a g


26th May 2023 / Veintiséis de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

I have been re-reading the 15-volume "RES GESTAE POPULI ROMANI" again over the past few months and have been able to read it more often again after having slowed down a bit recently.

En los últimos m


25th May 2023 / Veinticinco de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

The game between the Angels and Red Sox, in which Otani and Yoshida played, was exciting and full of highlights, including Otani's home run and Yoshida's two-base hit.

El partido entre los Angels y l


24th May 2023 / Veinticuatro de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

Today was one of those days when the image about the next step in the transition, which has been gradually becoming clear to me of late, became a little clearer again.

Hoy ha sido uno de esos días en


23rd May 2023 / Veintitrés de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

About 6 years ago, Thomas, who stayed at our house from Germany when I was an Airbnb host in Sapporo, contacted me to let me know that he had decided to come to Japan for the first time in a while.



22nd May 2023 / Veintidós de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

My friend in Germany contacted me to let me know that he has decided to come to Japan for the first time in a long time and plans to come to Kamakura as well.

He stayed at our house when I was an Air


21st May 2023 / Veintiuno de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

I was very relieved to find that the washer dryer, which had been in bad shape, was now successfully working as it should after a lot of trial and error to maintain it.

Me sentí muy aliviado al compr


20th May 2023 / Veinte de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

My junior high school classmate came to Kamakura to see me and we had a very meaningful time talking about the paths we have taken and the future we see for each other.

Mi compañero de la escuela med


19th May 2023 / Diecinueve de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

I am happy to see that my essential understanding of chemistry, one of the subjects I study every day, seems to be increasing, though only a little at a time.

Me alegra ver que mi comprensión esencia


18th May 2023 / Dieciocho de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

It was a very meaningful time for me to talk with Keita, one of the members who has been speaking English on Zoom every week for the past a year or so, about what I am gaining in my recent English st


17th May 2023 / Diecisiete de mayo de dos mil veintitrés

I have recently realized once again that in learning Spanish, as in the case of English, it is effective to repeat reading simple sentences a little bit every day.

Recientemente he vuelto a darme cue
