

英語学習アドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。





"真剣にやってみたいけど、家族や仕事のことを考えると、現状の生活では英語にたくさんの時間を確保することは難しい ….."


"英語のティーチング × 日々の学習サポートのパーソナルサポート"


favorite sports teams

Do you have any favorite sports teams ?

I watched a lot of Hanshin Tigers' games growing up.

When I was a kid, Tigers were not playing well.

No matter how well they started their season in April, they would often end up in fifth or last place in September.

There were no players that I particularly liked on the team, but I would always root for Tigers as a kid.

I'd ask my parents to take me to Koshien stadium every year.

I don't watch their games as often as I used to anymore, but I still have an affinity for the team.

Last week they won the championship for the first time in eighteen years.

I was excited to hear the news, but at the same time I was a bit surprised because I didn't know that the team had been struggling this long.


〇 grow up:成長する・育つ

〇 end up .....:結局 ..... になる

〇 ..... place:..... 位

.... には first / second / third / fourth / fifth / sixth / last など、順番を意味する序数詞が入ります。

〇 particularly:とりわけ・特別に

〇 root for .....:..... を応援する

I don't have any favorite teams, so I always root for the underdogs.

〇 have an affinity for ....:..... に対して親近感がある

〇 win the championship:優勝する

〇 for the first time in …….:…….. ぶりに

〇 at the same time:同時に

〇 struggle:苦しむ

That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)

〇 いちばん大切なのに多くの人が知らない英語学習のすすめ方



