
Alphabet Q1 2021 決算の考察

※English as below.


そんな中、業績を上げている企業がある。それはGoogleだ。Googleを傘下に持つ企業がアメリカの多国籍コングリマット企業であるアルファベットだ。GAFA(Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon)と呼ばれる大手ハイテク企業4強の1社だ。





次に、企業のDX化だ。生産性や業務効率化としての働き方が見直されたため、会社内外でシームレスに仕事ができる環境を構築する必要性が急激に高まった。テレワークなどに伴うネット関連サービスの需要急増で、クラウドコンピューティング事業も急成長を遂げた (前年同期比46%増加)。消費者も企業もオンラインサービスとクラウドへの移行は今後ますます加速の一方だと言える。


売上高:553億ドル(前年比 +34%)
営業利益:164億ドル(前年比 +106%)
純利益:179億ドル(前年比 +162%)
EPS:26.29 ドル(前年比 +166%)
営業キャッシュフロー:193億ドル(前年比 +68%)

Google サービス: 512億ドル(前年比 +34%)
Google 広告:447億ドル(前年比 +32%)
Google サーチ & Other: 319億ドル(前年比 +30%)
YouTube 広告:60億ドル(前年比 +49%)
Google ネットワーク:68億ドル(前年比 +30%)
Google クラウド: 40億ドル(前年比 +46%)

Google サービス: 195億ドル(前年比 +69%)
Google クラウド: (9.7) 億ドル(前年同期:(17.3) 億ドル)

EMEA:170億ドル(前年比 +33%)
APAC:105億ドル(前年比 +44%)
Other Americas:29億ドル(前年比 +35%)
米国:250億ドル(前年比 +33%)

The spread of the new coronavirus has had a major impact on social systems and people's lives. As people are asked to refrain from going out of their homes, the economy and employment are becoming unstable.

In the midst of all this, there is one company that is doing well, and that is Google. Google is owned by the American multinational conglomerate Alphabet, one of the big four tech giants known as GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon).

On April 27, 2021, Alphabet announced its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2021, which ends on March 31, 2021. The company reported a 34% YoY increase in quarterly revenue to $55.3 billion, a 162% YoY increase in net income to $18 billion, and net income per share of $26. This section discusses the factors that led to the growth in the midst of the new coronavirus pandemic.

One of the factors that drove Google's growth was nest egg demand. During the prolonged period of self-restraint during the coronavirus outbreak, people of all ages and both sexes probably had a lot of time to spend at home. In such a situation, there was a high demand for watching videos on Youtube. As more and more people used technological devices to watch videos, Youtube's advertising revenue grew 49% YoY to $6 billion. In addition to the expansion of online consumer activity, the broad growth in advertising revenue contributed to this growth.

Next is the shift to DX in the enterprise. The need to create an environment where work can be done seamlessly both inside and outside the office has increased dramatically as people reevaluate the way they work for productivity and operational efficiency. With the surge in demand for Internet-related services associated with telework and other activities, the cloud computing business also experienced rapid growth (+46% YoY). The shift to online services and the cloud for both consumers and businesses is only going to accelerate.

The results for the first quarter of 2021 are a testament to Alphabet's commitment to providing reliable services to help people around the world, as CEO Sundar Pichai said in the earnings release. If the new coronavirus pandemic continues, both companies and individuals will still have to change. In order for the company to continue to grow, it will need to continue to innovate for the benefit of those who are forced to change.

First Quarter 2021 Results
Net sales: $55.3 billion (+34% YoY)
Operating income: $16.4 billion (+106% YoY)
Operating margin: 30% (vs. 19% in Q1 FY09)
Net income: $17.9 billion (+162% YoY)
EPS: $26.29 (+166% YoY)
Operating cash flow: $19.3 billion (+68% YoY)
Free cash flow: $13.3 billion

Segment Results
Google Services: $51.2 billion (+34% YoY)
Google Ads: $44.7 billion (+32% YoY)
Google Search & Other: $31.9 billion (+30% YoY)
YouTube Ads: $6.0 billion (+49% YoY)
Google Network: $6.8 billion (+30% YoY)
Google Cloud: $4 billion (+46% YoY)

Operating profit
Google Services: $19.5 billion (+69% YoY)
Google Cloud: $(9.7) billion (vs. $(1.73) billion in the same period last year)

Revenue by Region
EMEA: $17.0 billion (+33% YoY)
APAC: $10.5 billion (+44% YoY)
Other Americas: $2.9 billion (+35% YoY)
U.S.: $25 billion (+33% YoY)

