
Katsurao AIR 2023 Archives:鈴木光 SUZUKI Hikaru


Walking around Katsurao

Video: 26m


In Katsurao, I researched the lives of the people who settled in this region as part of Japan's national policy after World War II. The purpose of my residency was the diary film piece I am working on titled Faces of Fukushima Diary.
With the number of people born during the war dwindling, I believe this is valuable research. One interviewee told me how, during the war, their parents discarded their home in Japan to move to Manchuria. After the war, they were interned in the former Soviet Union before returning to Japan. Seeking new land to build a new life amid the poverty that followed the war, they settled in Katsurao. They said that, at the time, there was nothing here and told me how they survived in Katsurao under those conditions. Also significant was what they told me about their experience of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and what it was like moving from place to place during that difficult period in their lives.


2011年の東日本大震災の折、私は相馬と南相馬を訪れていた。それから数年間は、何度かその場所を訪れていたが、いつの間にか足が遠のくようになった。それから時間が経過し、2020年の11月に久しぶりに浜通りを訪れた。その際たまたま持っていたカメラでその場所を撮影したところからこの映画は始まる。その後、2023年3月まで、いわき、小高、楢葉、飯舘、相馬、南相馬、浪江など福島県浜通り地方の各地を単発的に訪れ風景を撮影した。2023年3 月で『福島形相日記』の始めのバージョンは一旦終了したが、撮影はその後も葛尾村での制作へと引き継がれ、現在も継続している。制作の途中では、そこで出会った、その「場所」を人間 の「形相(顔)」と捉えて、ポートレイトとして撮影していこうと思った。また、編集では、風景を主役に、各場所で出会ったその地域のわずかな人々との交流によって生まれた小さな私自身の言葉を大切に、変動していく風景とともに作品内にちりばめた。そして、日記的に8mmで自身の家族を撮影したフッテージも要所要所に挿入している。

About Faces of Fukushima Diary

The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 led me to visit Soma and Minamisoma. I visited several more times over the following few years, but my visits grew less frequent. After some time, I finally returned to Hamadori in November 2020. I happened to have a camera with me, and the footage I shot there is what opens the film. From that point until March 2023, I made one-off visits to film the scenery in Iwaki, Odaka, Naraha, litate, Soma, Minamisoma, Namie, and other places around the Hamadori region of Fukushima. I completed the first version of Faces of Fukushima Diary in March 2023, but I carried the project on with my work in Katsurao and continue to film today. I decided to film the locations I discovered in the style of portraits, as though they were human "faces." When I edited the footage, I made the landscape the main character. I valued my own small reflections inspired by the few people I met in each region, scattering them throughout the film along with the changing scenery. At key moments, I also inserted footage of my own family shot diary-style on 8mm film.

鈴木 光

2023 東京藝術大学博士後期課程映像メディア学専攻在籍中

1984年福島県会津若松市生まれ。1児の父親。主にドキュメンタリーの制作を行う。作品の制作方法やキーワードは、エッセイフィルム・作家映画・ドキュメンタリーの中のフィクション・日記映画・アート。2020年から、福島県浜通りを周り「福島形相日記」という作品を制作。過去の代表作に「Mr.S & Doraemon」「God and Father and Me」「安楽島」「Garden」などがある。主な参加映像祭に、上映イベントExperimental Film Culture in Japan vol.1〜vol.5(2019〜2023・ポレポレ坐(東京)、2020~

2004-2008 BA video and sculpture at the Musashino Art University in Tokyo
2009-2011 MA focus on cinéma vérité at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) in Gifu, Japan.
2016-2018 Diploma Narrative film and Experimental film at Thomas Arslan class and Nina Fisher class at Berlin art university.
2023- Doctoral Program of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts

Born in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima. He has a daughter and makes documentary film mainly now. The method making the works and the keywords for him are “Essay film”, “cinema for artists”, “fiction in documentary”, “diary film” and “art”. He is making a film “Fukushima keisounikki” since 2020 by the method that he go around Hamadori area in Fukushima prefecture and shoots the landscape as the portrait which continues to change. He made the following films “Mr.S & Doraemon”, ”God and Father and Me”, “Anrakuto” and “Garden” etc and the films were selected by film festivals of Experimental Film Culture in Japan vol.1〜vol.5 (Pole Pole za in Tokyo), Fukushima Film and Media Festival in Tokyo (2020〜2022, Pole Pole Higashi Nakano cinema).
