
THE PETERSENS is too wonderful!


Hi guys! What's going on? I'm Katsu :D
When you start learning English, you'll more opportunities find out know foreign artists, right? Me too. Then today, I would like to introduce THE PETERSENS who play very beautiful sounds that I found out during that time.

英語を学び始めると、外国人アーティストを知る機会が増えますよね?私もそうです。それでは今日は、その時に知ったとても美しい音を奏でるTHE PETERSENSをご紹介したいと思います。

THE PETERSENS is an American bluegrass family band from Branson, Missouri. Traditional bluegrass band composition. It consists guitar, wood bass, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, dobro guitar. There are 6 members, a mother, four children and one friend.

THE PETERSENSは、ミズーリ州ブランソン出身のアメリカンブルーグラスファミリーバンドです。伝統的なブルーグラスバンドの構成。ギター、ウッドベース、バンジョー、フィドル、マンドリン、ドブロギターで構成され、母親、4人の子供、1人の友人の六人のメンバーです。

Wait a minute, what is bluegrass in the first place?


If I say a brief explanation, It's country music. I might get scolded by you all lol.


I think the reason why they became famous is that her second daughter, Ellen, participated in the American Idol Audition. Here is the video.


Don't you think that It's beautiful the sound of the banjo and singing voice?


And then Next this song is very familiar for us Japanese. Country Road.


It's really too beautiful!


Finally, I run their live video so check it out if you like :D
Thank you guys for reading, catch you next time!

最後に、彼らのライブビデオを載せておきますので、もしよかったらチェックしてみてくださいね :D  それでは今回も読んでくれてありがとうございました、またお会いましょう!

Thank you for your support :) And than I look forward to your continuous support.