
ValentinaLisitsa/Her new post gives us the strength to live

ヴァレンティーナ・リシッツァ/彼女の NEW POST が僕たちに生きる力をあたえてくれる

Yesterday, she posted a new video of her new video. It was dedicated to those suffering from COVID. Please help me reach as many people as possible. I'm sure there will be people who will be helped by this performance.


Her message

This is in dedication of all sufferers and victims of COVID epidemic - to those who lost their lives, to those who lost their family members, friends, to those who lost their jobs, roof over one's head, food from the table....
It has been a terrible year for all of us, and it's not letting go. Will our lives return to normal? Or it will be a "new normal" - empty streets, closed cafes, emtpy seats in concert halls, private concerts for privileged few and "virtual experience" - for the rest?
A musician, an artist, a tour guide - will our skills, our talents be needed ,or - as one politician suggested - we need to look for new jobs? I always believed that music is NOT entertainment, it has healing powers for those in need, not very different from religion. I hope I am right.
Love to you all! ❤️ We shall overcome.

ミュージシャン、アーティスト、ツアーガイド - 私たちのスキル、私たちの才能が必要とされるか、それとも、私たちは新しい仕事を探す必要がありますか?私はいつも音楽はエンターテイメントではないと信じていました、それは宗教と大きくかわらない、必要としている人のための癒しの力を持っています。私は私が正しいことを願っています。

Rachmaninoff Prelude in C Sharp minor Op.3 No.2 Lisitsa

Thank you for your support :) And than I look forward to your continuous support.