

*See below for the English version.



















How can I connect with my culture in Japan?


Hello, this is Kabir again! How has your life been since you came to Japan? Have you made any friends yet? You might start feeling like you are starting to miss your own culture now.
So how do you connect with your own culture while in Japan?


When I moved to Japan myself, I didn’t really think about culture too much because I was living with my parents and I was surrounded by the culture that I grew up with. As time passed and I moved out, and I started to be more immersed with life in Japan, I felt the need to be a little more active in finding my culture and places.

Sometimes it was the people from my hometown and other times it was food that was close to my heart. Here are some examples of the ways that I connected with my culture!

Call people you know
Look at your contacts here you know in Japan and ask them about their day, then you can go on to ask them if they have anything coming up that you can join with them. You could also arrange a meetup with them and have fun.
Find on the internet
There is a lot of information on the internet about events coming up, just go to one and you will definitely have fun.
Online games
If you are the type of person that plays online games, you search and find a lot of online groups, be sure to read their description board/ info board before joining to not violate any rules. Be sure to always be polite and have a great time.
If you follow a religion , you could just go to a church and you might see someone from your own country. Having a conversation with a person at a religious convention is easy and you can get along pretty easily.
Visit your country’s local store in Japan
Let’s say you’re a Indian in Japan , there are a lot of Indian restaurants opened by Indian people with Indian cooks and servers in Japan. I’ve also seen a lot of British and Dutch shops and restaurants here in Japan. Visit them and you will get to have a nice chat if they are not very busy.
Cultural gatherings and events
Find this information on the internet. You might even see posters for these events on your city hall’s notice board. But they might be very rare and months ahead.
Hold a gathering yourself
You might have people you know here in Japan or you have tried some points above and you got familiar with a number of people, hold a gathering! Let the participants invite their people. Throw a party, could be anything, any excuses.

Sentence Summary

Your life can be fun if you want it to be no matter where you are , you just need to put an effort into making it so.