
Life, Logic and Emotion

If life was a math problem, then every human player would represent a numerical value, a value that is ever changing, changing unpredictably, and for each value, would be an associated stability index, signifying its likelihood to transform to another form.

I grew up in a world of numbers, but as I get older, I realize more and more the inferiority of logic in "some" aspects of life. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean I grow up a nerd, no, but I had quite an understanding of math. 

Logic is a tool meant to make lives easier, smoother, and more efficient. Emotion is there for us to build and sustain human relationships. To talk, to communicate, to understand each other. 

Life is not some binary with set correct and wrong answers. It is not predeterminable. There are no formulas. 

If life was a math problem, then every human player would represent a numerical value, a numerical value that is ever changing, changing unpredictably, and for each value, would be an associated stability index, signifying its likelihood to transform to another form. Some would be super stable, others moderately stable and others, well super unstable. One time the number could be positive, the next time, negative, then it becomes a 'complex number'.

Understanding human emotion helps us better predict the pattern through which the number will change, and the time it is likely to change, and perhaps understand how to assume a more 'stable' state. 
