
Answer to WHY PLAY GAME? 「なんでみんなゲームをするのか?」への返答

15 years in game industry, from arcade, console to mobile. Entered the world since Sega was the only company hired me while tens of various companies denied. Wasn't my dream job nor core passion. However a reason why I have kept myself motivated in the business. It certainly aligned to my passion, which is not playing game itself, but how people think and act. It's always taught me thru career, which is full of fails a lot more than success. 

One day, I was questioned by a non-gamer "Why do people play games SO MUCH?" Yes, billions of people have billions of answers. At that time, said to the banker

Because THEY are not as happy as you are 「それは、あなたほど幸せではないからです」

I know this can be the worst answer ever, but felt the words caught his inspiration to the idea of people he never understood. もちろん、正しい答えではないと思うが「ゲームをすると言う行為が理解できない」と言うその人には、良いとっかかりになる気がした。
"For most people, life is hard. it's hard to achieve anything or feel a certain level of happiness. Game has rules and elements much simpler and is designed to be cleared (at least, improved). It's made to give people success or achievement much easier than life.

スクリーンショット 2020-02-17 10.10.06

Easier than life!?

Because brains are bored, and they don't want it「脳みそが暇になるのを恐れるから」

On different occasions, this was my reply. Human brains have improved crazily even more after it became enough to survive as the species. It wasn't necessary to be, but the over-grown brain created a new mission to their lives and believed it they must do. To me, the economy is the best invention for a human being to kill their times. So how is it different from the game, or everything else? Besides preserving species, everything is killing time for animals. These are also alike in the way rules or conditions become more complicated when it's about to mastered by someone. The goal is not to win-lose success-fail, but keep improving rules so that no one ever complete. 

Japanese favor RPGs 日本人はRPGが好きだ


over any genre. Few of them actually know the other countries are not like that. Dragon Quest is a nationwide popular RPG franchise highly recognized by young to old no matter how much they play games. If you are not Japanese, some of you may have heard about the name the first time in your life. So why Japanese especially like RPGs? Japanese RPGs are designed to be cleared by everyone. Keep playing, and you reach the goal. It doesn't require knowledge, technique nor talent. Easy and fair for everyone, especially kind to bad players. That is exactly a concept of education system in this country.

If you know more about games, you may know Street Fighter, Tekken or other major fighting games are made in Japan. The genre requires a variety of techniques, knowledge and quick response sometimes in 1/60 seconds, is much more popular outside of the country. Fighting gamers are as hard as athletes which playing-time (=experience) never secure it's performance. No matter who you are, where you are from or how rich you are, only the strong are respected there.  その全く逆のタイプのゲームもある。例えば「ストリートファイター」シリーズに代表される格闘ゲームは、世界的代表作が全て日本のメーカーから生み出されているにも関わらず、国外の方が人気が高い。1/60秒の差で勝負が決まることもあるこのジャンルでは、状況に合わせて適切な行動を素早くする「技術」や相手の意表をつく「センス」が必要とされる。1000時間プレーしても下手な人もいれば、100時間で上位に食い込む人もいる実力主義まさにスポーツの世界。ここでは顔や身長、財産など何の意味もなく「強い奴が凄い」。


Cultures and the popular genre 文化背景と好まれるゲームジャンル

I'd like to avoid pushing stereotypes, but data always show each country, culture area has its popular genre. South Korea, the closest country from Japan, has a different game culture. There, beating opponents is the strongest motivation for playing games. Most games have PVP (Person versus person, playing against the other players) function no matter they are RPG, puzzle or simulation games. The most popular genre is FPS (First Person Shooter, gun shooting games). I'm not sure how much it's related to military duty in the country, games with real war motif are popular. ステレオタイプを助長したくはないが、各国での人気ジャンルは事実傾向として見られる。隣国韓国では「勝敗を争う」ゲームに人気が集まりやすい。上記のスポーツ的なタイトルもそうだが例えばRPGでも直接対決やランキングなどで競争要素を盛り込んでいる。一番人気ジャンルはFPSと言われる「銃で撃ち合う」ゲームで、兵役がある事と関係あるかは不明だが、リアルな銃が出てくるタイプの方が人気傾向が高い。


Innovative world hit game PUBG is made in South Korea. It created Survivors as new genre 韓国生まれのPUBGは世界的ヒットとなり、「サバイバルゲーム」という新しいジャンルを作り上げた。 

China is one of the few countries in which players want to show off how much they spend money on the game. They invented the VIP system which provides continuous reward based on the players' lifetime spend. Many games are actually designed for how payers can pretend they never paid in the other countries.   中国は「お金をかけている事を他のプレイヤーに知らしめる」要素に人気が出る珍しい国だ。日本では「お金をかけていると思われない事」が重視されるので真逆だ。課金額に応じて追加サービスが受けられる「VIPシステム」を開発した国でもある。


As you spend more, you earn VIP levels which reward you a lot continuously. 課金額によってVIPランクが上がり、永続的なボーナスがもらえる。

While Japanese hides to pay, Western culture hates to see games in which payers beat easily non-payers. They call the type of games Pay to Win. I take it because the culture prefers fair play elements in games like physical sport. Another uniqueness of Western game culture is its community. In Asia, the game is regarded as a service provided by a game company, and players are customers. In Europe or America, yes they are, but fans feel they are part of the game community which creates the game together, more than just customers. They actively discuss in forums or social media sometimes directly with game developers. In many cases, someone from a game developer is expected to openly exchange opinion with fans. Recently its specialists called Community Manager became more important to establish the game and company brand. Discussion is not a habit for Japanese and it reflects the game community as well. They complain a lot too though! So game culture shows its culture quite well. お金をかけることでゲームが有利になる事を、英語で「Pay to Win」と言い、欧米圏では特に嫌われる。彼らはゲームにフェアなスポーツ的要素を好む傾向にある。アジア圏ではゲームは「ゲーム会社からユーザーに提供するサービス」と言う考え方が当然だが、欧米圏では「ユーザーは一緒に作り上げるコミュニティの一員」と言う考えも浸透しており、ゲームの不満や改善点について意見を言う「レビュー」や議論を交わし合う「フォーラム」が活発だ。そこにはゲーム会社の担当者も議論に直接混ざる事などもあり、その姿勢が「ユーザーを尊重している」と評価を得たりする。近年はそのスペシャリストである「コミュニティマネージャー」という仕事が、年々重要さを増している。日本ユーザーは「文句を言う」事は多いが「議論を交わす」状況は多くない。こういった点からも文化や教育、哲学が各国で違い、ゲームの遊び方に色濃く現れている。

That can't be a game「あんなものはゲームじゃない」

Innovation is welcome by hate, in many cases. Firstly it was Zynga on Facebook. Mobile games followed. Including the elements of Pay to Win explained above, mobile games were and still are hated by "real game fans". Even to myself as an ex-King guy, if you say "Candy Crush Saga isn't a puzzle game at all. You never use your brain and it's all about luck (and buying a continue)", I don't have a great logic to shut it down. The "real gamers" only accept the game experience as fair brain competition based on a fixed rule, not cheated. 
と言うゲームが大ヒットする事がある。特にスマホで遊ぶゲームで。日本では「ガチャ」が生まれて以来「ソシャゲ(ガチャをベースにしたゲームを指す事が多い)はゲームじゃない」と言う意見は絶えないし、Candy Crush Saga以降世界中を席巻している「パズルゲーム」は「パズルでもゲームでもない」と言われている。上記のようにルールがきちんと制定された中で知恵を競い合う事を「ゲーム」とする人にとって、このどちらも「ゲーム」では無いと言う意見は一理ある。ガチャのあるゲームでは「お金をたくさんガチャに払って有利なキャラクターを手に入れた人」が有利になるようにできており、上記で言う「パズルゲーム」は、「何か考えているように見えて何も考えずに解けたり、またどれだけ考えても運により解けなかったりする」ゲームであり、そこにはパズル要素はほとんどない。
When Zynga dominated, and mobile games smashed the market drastically, most traditional game developers were in confusion. They did not understand why people play it as games, and how to make those "things" and earn money from that. After the huge pressure of stockholders or board members, few game creators wanted to make them. 
 Two of the most asked questions are actually "Why do people pay so much on mobile games?" and "Why does the GATCHA make crazy money in Japan, and how it's different from a random box?"


2019's top-selling game is "still" Fate/GO from Japan 統計によるが、2019年で最も稼いだモバイルゲームは、日本のFate/GO。Sony株がこれだけで動いた。

I can answer that of course. However let me avoid it for now, as it takes more time, and that's how I have lived for. その理由は、正直僕の飯の種でもあり、あまりに身も蓋もない話なので、ここで書くのはやめておく。少なくとも、無料で公開するべき内容でもないと思うので、また別の機会に。

So, after all, Why do people play games? 何故人はゲームをするのか?

I can keep creating the answers, just like you all can. It's just like the other things, why you do XXX or YYY. It's all about how humans think and act, and the game is made based on that. 
Ultimately to me, why people play mobile games every day (and never listen to your words) is exactly the same as why do people line up McDonalds' everywhere, why do Americans eat avocado saying it's Sushi or why Japanese trains always come on time. yeah, they may not be the same, but not as far as it sounds, I believe.

I like the game job, and it's a happy job. People in the industry always think about how to entertain people. Not bad, hah?

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So sad 2020 will be my first absence of GDC sinch 2012. 今年は遂に7年通い続けたGDCに行けなそうなのが、少しさびしい。

