
Walt Disney

Walt Elias Disney was born in Chicago in 1901. When he was five years old, his family moved to Marceline, Missouri.

The entertaining boy played a lot with animals, and would do anything to get attention from his classmates. And he loved drawing!

Having moved to Kansas city, Walt started to work as a newspaper boy every morning before going to school.

In Kansas, he still loved to make friends laugh. He and a boy whose name was also Walt impersonated Charlie Chaplin and his enemy character together.

During the late period of WW1, Walt joined the army. Though he was only seventeen, his parents wrote a note of permission allowing him to ride an ambulance in the battlefield.

Since Walt was a natural-born cartoonist he drew cartoons on every ambulance's canvas flap.

Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks started up two animation-making companies. Unfortunately they both ended up going bankrupt.

Before the second bankrupt, Walt worked on a film called "Alice's Wonderland", where a real four-year girl acted with cartoon characters.

Moving to Hollywood, Walt formed the Disney Brothers Studio with his older brother Roy.

As the business got busier, he hired several employees. Among them was a female inker, Lilian Bounds.

At last, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was born in 1927.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," premiered in 1937, was the first feature-length animated film. It took more than 3 three years to finish the project. When it hit the theaters, every movie-goer loved the legendary movie. Walt won a special Academy Award of that year.

Moving the Walt Disney Studios to Burbank in 1940 was not welcomed by its employees. They had felt like part of a family at their previous location. Hundreds of Disney workers went on strike in 1941 in protest of being forced to move studios and WWII, which shocked Walt terribly.

Though Walt was over 60 years old, he never thought of retiring. He designed "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, " which deeply surprised the world

However, on December 15 in 1966, Walt Disney passed away because of lung cancer.
