1.ADD, ADHDは生活の質の問題
最初のポイントは、アドヘンダーは生活の質の問題であるということです。私は、人々が自分の人生を変え、生活の質を向上させるのを見ますか? adhdと闘う人々は、絶対に間違いなく介入を助け、それらは機能しますが、これは実際の生活の質の問題であり、それは正当です。
2.ADD, ADHDは才能ではなく障害
しかし、そのようなことはないのです。私はその言葉も問題だと思いますが、ここでは触れません。私にとっては障害と呼ばれています。私には才能があるのでしょうか? あなたは才能があるのでしょうか? adhdの人は誰でも才能があるのでしょうか? もちろん、私のADD脳の思考方法はある文脈では才能です。しかし、ADD自体が才能であるわけではありません。教育とは強みを築くことです。私たちの教育モデルはしばしば赤字に焦点を当てたものですが、私たちは強みを築きたいのです 興味を築く 熱意を築く 才能を築く そして見ている生徒たちは、自分の強みや才能、ギフトから人生やキャリアを築こうとしています。しかし、それ自体が才能ではありませんし、そうであれば、ADHDが生活の質を損ねることもないでしょう。
次に、脳の発達ですが、脳は後ろから前に向かって発達し、前頭前野は脳の前部、3分の1の部分であることを知っていますか? これは実行機能が行われる場所です。脳のこの部分は、優先順位をつけ、計画を立て、時間を管理して、実行するのを助けてくれます。いずれもADHDが苦手とする部分です。良いことに、脳はこの部分の発達を続け、25歳や30歳まで発達し続けます。正しいサポートを受ければ、脳がまだ発達していることに多くの希望を持つことができます。
ですから、この質問について考えるとき、また、私のようにADD, ADHD, 実行機能の課題を抱え、気が狂いそうな人たちに対して、誰もがADDやADHDではないかというメッセージを発するとき、それを知っておきたいのです。問題だと思うならもっと頑張ればいいし、やる気を出せばいい、もっと鍛えればいい、もっと気にすればいい、ベストを尽くしていないだけだ、自分を引き上げればいい、大人になって真剣に取り組めばいい、私たちにとってそれが簡単ではないのと同様に、これらは正当な挑戦なのです。これらは、次の脳の発達の話になりますが、脳の発達から考えて、これらのメッセージは私たちにとって無効なものです。彼らは本当に悪いと感じ、私たちを誤解したままにしてしまいます。多くの親や教師が、ADHD, ADD, 実行機能の課題を理解せず、それが正当なものだと信じていません。
well, isn't everyone a little bit adhd, add? no no. what is up parents teachers therapists maybe some students here, i get this type of a question a lot and i recently had this particular question here and the question is can you be a little bit 80d because i can't pay attention sometimes. i really understand that the person who is asking this question was really asking a valid question. they really meant it wasn't coming from a bad place but the answer is no you aren't. i mean maybe you can be a little add but in the context of what they're saying no. you're not a little add and there are six really important points that i want to make with this question to really help you whether you're a parent-teacher therapist or student and if you're trying to support a student with executive function challenges or adhd. it is really important that you understand this stuff because we want to be helpful not harmful so i have six points to make here.
the first point that i want to make is that add and adhd is a quality of life issue. this is not a joke. the thing is that it gets in the way of life. it holds us back. it's not a real problem it is legitimate okay. so when we think can you be a little bit adhd sometimes no we those of us who have these challenges we're not adhd all the time. okay we struggle with this day in and day out is my life good now yes it's tremendous. do i see people change their lives and have better quality of life? who struggle adhd positively absolutely definitely the interventions help they work but this is a real quality of life issue and it's legitimate. so that's the first point.
i want to make number two but what about the gift of add. well adhd is not a gift. it interferes with life. it wasn't interfering that would be a different story but it interferes. it holds us back add, adhd is not a gift. the disorder, the disability, if you don't like those words that's totally fine. i take issue with them as well but i'm not getting into that here, it is called for me, a disability for me because it disables me my ability to do certain things like i can't do certain things i really struggle with certain things. so now do i have gifts? do you have gifts does anybody with adhd have? yes absolutely but is add itself a gift? no the way that my add brain thinks is a gift in certain contexts. okay it's a gift like i'm not reading for example from an outline right now. i'm able to improvise really well. i'm able to communicate well. like i'm able to free flow. well that is part my flexible thinking. we people with add have tremendous gifts strengths and what's really important that parents and teachers what's really important about is what we want to do with. education is build strengths. so often our educational models are deficit focused but we want to build strengths build interest build passions build gifts build talents and for those of you students watching you're going to build a life and a career out of your strengths and your talents and your gifts. you definitely have them but add is not in and of itself a gift or wouldn't be called attention deficit disorder we struggle with to pay attention to focus to concentrate on the important things. when we need to that's a problem and with executive function. because of this attentional problem we fail to do the important things that we want to do for our own goals for our own quality of life.
so the next one is but we all have add we all have executive function challenges at times that is absolutely true. can you be a little bit add because i can't pay attention sometimes well. Yes, we all have executive function challenges all of us have them. sometimes there are times when we have symptoms of add but it doesn't mean that we have add. it doesn't interfere with our entire life.
next, brain development. do you know that the brain develops from the back forward from the back to the front and the prefrontal cortex the front part of the brain, the front third of the brain? this is where executive function takes place. this is the part of the brain that helps us to prioritize to plan to manage time to do. all of the adhd things that we struggle with adhd. the good news is that the brain continues to develop this part of the brain, continues to develop until you're 25 or 30 years old. when people get the right support there is so much hope your brain is still developing.
so we want to know that when we're thinking about that question as well when we say messages like isn't everybody add that can for those of you who like me have add, adhd executive function challenges and it drives you nuts? when somebody says that part of the reason that i think it drives us nuts is because it's invalidating. it says yeah you think it's a problem you just need to try harder, you just need to motivate yourself, you just need to be more disciplined, you just need to care more about the thing, you're just not putting your best foot forward, you just need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, and just get mature and get serious about it, and just like it's not that easy for us these are legitimate challenges. these are when i get to the next one brain development. okay so our brain development it's these things these messages are invalidating to us. they feel really bad and they can really cause us to stay misunderstood and so many parents and teachers don't understand adhd, add, and executive function challenges, and don't believe that they are legitimate. which means that people don't get the support they need.
number six, when we are misinformed, we can make things worse even though we're trying to help. so when we get that messaging that shame messaging when people are saying yeah you just need to motivate yourself, you just need to try harder or you're going to be have some sort of consequence, or punishment or i'm going to reward you if you like that doesn't change the brain, that doesn't change executive function, that there are things that we are doing. when we're misinformed that may not be helping and maybe making things worse. so now when we are informed when we really get this and you can check out my site sethperler.com. my name's seth perler. i'm an executive function coach and speaker and i have so many free resources for all of you on the site here. but when we really get some great information about this we can really be helpful to the people we want to help. so if you like this video go ahead and subscribe give it a thumbs up and ding the bell and i really want to know what you think leave a comment what do you think what stood out to you in this video what works what doesn't work. when we're trying to help people with legitimate executive function challenges and when people say yeah i don't know if add and adhd is real if it is we all have it everybody has it well what do you think of that what is when people say that what does that make you want to do and leave your comments below and share with us again my name is seth with sethpro.com. i want to wish you peace in your heart joy most of all i want to wish you connection and quality time with your kiddos and the people that you care about take care. i'll see you in the next one.