






Six months have passed since the Noto Peninsula earthquake, but from what I've heard from my acquaintances in the lacquerware industry in Wajima and friends who went to support from Iwate, it seems that the recovery is still far from complete. It appears that the unique geography of Noto and the lack of manpower are the main causes, leading to a different recovery process compared to our experience with the Great East Japan Earthquake in Iwate.

The media coverage has decreased, which might be understandable given the continuous occurrence of new disasters and events every day. However, as someone involved in the lacquerware industry, I hope that we never forget Wajima and continue to provide long-term support so that they can lead the Japanese lacquerware industry.

Since the day of the earthquake, I have somehow felt like a direct stakeholder in this disaster. Over the past six months, I've tried to do whatever I can, even if it's only a little.

I intend to continue paying attention to it in my own way.
