みんなのヨガ|Yoga Practice for All

Hi everyone, this is jannie, a foreigner living in Tokyo.

In my RYT lecture, our teacher emphasized one thing. Yoga practice is for everybody. Regardless of age, gender, body shape, etc., everyone can practice yoga. Therefore, as a yoga teacher, make sure your yoga lesson is accessible and affordable. 

We often see those perfect pictures on Instagram, where people can do all those difficult poses, like handstand or side crane pose etc..I sometimes couldn't help thinking that if I can't do those difficult poses, then what is the point of practicing yoga. However, that is not necessarily true.

This is my teacher's blog, and I am going to quote some sentences and translate them into Japanese.

We are born with our own unique bone structure, which cannot be duplicated. We then make choices for our movement, what we put into our bodies and our level of activity. We have other factors that are beyond our control, such as injury and illness that have a major impact on our bodies. And our mental health and emotional state can also play a role in where we are with our with movement. Then, there are energetic factors that may change from day to day, or even moment to moment.

Steph Ball-Mitchell


My opinion: Even people are doing the same posture, they might look different. Even the same person is doing the same posture, it might look different as well, because of the frequency of the pratice or just the mood those days.

For example, I have been practicing supported headstand for over one year and yet I still could not make it. I can do some other handstand poses, such as Tripod Handstand, Handstand, Shoulder Stand and so on. I am not saying that I can do them perfectly, but I can at least stay for 15 seconds. I often heard from people saying that supported heandstand is the easiest one among all the handstand poses, but my body is just different. Now, I still keep practicing for sure, but I don't take it as the purpose. Practicing itself is the purpose of yoga practice. 

It’s easy to see the world only through our own perspective. As yoga teachers, this sometimes means that we think about accommodations for our own bodies and bodies like ours, but we may not think of all the possible issues that different bodies come across when practicing a yoga posture. Mindfully thinking our way through the postures we plan to teach can help us to create options for our students that give them a point of access for each posture. As I learned to incorporate accessibility options into my teaching, I relied heavily on two things. First, I leaned on the compassion I feel for my students and second, I relied on my understanding of the purpose of the yoga postures I teach. 

Steph Ball-Mitchell

