




  1. 事実と見分けがつかないデタラメな回答を返してくることがあり、正確さが保証できない

  2. フォローしている情報が2021年までに制限されているため、最近のニュースや話題に対応できない





 LangChainは、大規模言語モデル(LLM)とデータソースや言語処理系などの外部リソースを組み合わせたアプリケーションの開発を支援することを目的として、Harrison Chaseさんが作成したPythonライブラリです。

 LangChainは、Google検索、データベース、Python REPLなどの外部リソースやLLMを決められた順序で組み合わせるChain、どの要素をどんな順序で使用するかを入力に応じて決定するAgent、これまでの状態を記憶しておくMemoryなどの機能を提供しています。


(1) OpenAIとSerpApiのAPIキーの入手

 予め、OpenAIにサインアップしてAPIキーを入手しておいてください。APIキーは、ログインしたOpenAIのページの右上の「Personal」→「View API keys」から入手することができます。

(2) ChatGPTクローンのコード

 npakaさんのnote清水亮さんのWirelessWire Newsの記事を参考にして用意したのが以下のコードです。

!pip install langchain
!pip install openai
!pip install google-search-results

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "OpenAIのAPIキー"
os.environ["SERPAPI_API_KEY"] = "SerpApiのAPIキー"

from langchain import OpenAI, ConversationChain
from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ConversationSummaryMemory
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent
from langchain.agents import load_tools
from langchain.agents import ZeroShotAgent, Tool, AgentExecutor
from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ConversationBufferMemory
from langchain import OpenAI, SerpAPIWrapper, LLMChain

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
tools = load_tools(["serpapi", "llm-math"], llm=llm)
conversation = ConversationChain(llm=llm,memory=ConversationSummaryMemory(llm=OpenAI()),verbose=True)
agent = initialize_agent(tools,llm,agent="zero-shot-react-description",verbose=True)
search = SerpAPIWrapper()
tools = [Tool(name = "Search",func=search.run,description="useful for when you need to answer questions about current events")]
prefix = """Have a conversation with a human, answering the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:"""
suffix = """Begin!"
Question: {input}
prompt = ZeroShotAgent.create_prompt(tools,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix,input_variables=["input", "chat_history", "agent_scratchpad"])
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history")
llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=OpenAI(temperature=0), prompt=prompt)
agent = ZeroShotAgent(llm_chain=llm_chain, tools=tools, verbose=True)
agent_chain = AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True, memory=memory)


s = agent_chain.run(input="2022年FIFAワールドカップの優勝国と活躍した選手について日本語で教えてください。")


> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
Thought: I need to find information about the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Japanese.
Action: Search
Action Input: 2022FIFAワールドカップ 優勝国 日本語
Observation: アルゼンチンが36年ぶり3回目の優勝を果たした。なお、次回大会から出場枠が48チームに拡大するため、32チーム制の大会としては今回が最後となった。
Thought: I need to find information about the individual players who achieved awards.
Action: Search
Action Input: 2022FIFAワールドカップ 活躍した選手 日本語
Observation: 前半40分過ぎ、日本は前田大然(セルティック)のゴールで先制したものの、後半に追いつかれ、30分間の延長でも勝敗決せず。PK戦でクロアチアに敗れた。
Thought: I now know the final answer.
Final Answer: アルゼンチンが36年ぶり3回目の優勝を果たし、Mbappe KyllianGiroud OllivierMartinez EmilianoMessi Lionelが個人的な活躍をした。
> Finished AgentExecutor chain.
[アルゼンチンが36年ぶり3回目の優勝を果たし、Mbappe KyllianGiroud OllivierMartinez EmilianoMessi Lionelが個人的な活躍をした。]


s = agent_chain.run(input="2022年の10大AIニュースを日本語で教えてください。")


> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
Thought: I need to find out what the 10 biggest AI news stories of 2022 are.
Action: Search
Action Input: "2022 AI news stories"
Observation: AI news in 2022 has been rapid-fire and relentless; the moment you knew where things currently stood in AI, a new paper or discovery would make ...
Thought: I now know the 10 biggest AI news stories of 2022.
Final Answer: 2022年の10大AIニュースとして、生成AIの進歩、自動運転車、医療応用、言語翻訳、画像認識、自然言語処理、金融サービス、検索エンジン、音声認識、ロボットなどがあります。
> Finished AgentExecutor chain.


(3) Googleカスタム検索版ChatGPTクローンのコード



!pip install langchain
!pip install openai
!pip install google-search-results

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "OpenAIのAPIキー"
os.environ["GOOGLE_CSE_ID"] = "Googleカスタム検索の検索エンジンID"
os.environ["GOOGLE_API_KEY"] = "Googleカスタム検索のAPIキー"

from langchain import OpenAI, ConversationChain
from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ConversationSummaryMemory
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent
from langchain.agents import load_tools
from langchain.agents import ZeroShotAgent, Tool, AgentExecutor
from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ConversationBufferMemory
from langchain import OpenAI, GoogleSearchAPIWrapper, LLMChain

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
tools = load_tools(["google-search", "llm-math"], llm=llm)
conversation = ConversationChain(llm=llm,memory=ConversationSummaryMemory(llm=OpenAI()),verbose=True)
agent = initialize_agent(tools,llm,agent="zero-shot-react-description",verbose=True)
search = GoogleSearchAPIWrapper()
tools = [Tool(name = "Search",func=search.run,description="useful for when you need to answer questions about current events")]
prefix = """Have a conversation with a human, answering the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:"""
suffix = """Begin!"
Question: {input}
prompt = ZeroShotAgent.create_prompt(tools,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix,input_variables=["input", "chat_history", "agent_scratchpad"])
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history")
llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=OpenAI(temperature=0), prompt=prompt)
agent = ZeroShotAgent(llm_chain=llm_chain, tools=tools, verbose=True)
agent_chain = AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True, memory=memory)


s = agent_chain.run(input="2022年FIFAワールドカップの優勝国と活躍した選手について日本語で教えてください。")


> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
Thought: I need to find out who won the 2022 FIFA World Cup and which players stood out.
Action: Search
Action Input: 2022 FIFA World Cup winners and standout players
Observation: Dec 15, 2022 ... Who will win the FIFA Young Player Award at the World Cup 2022 in Qatar 2022? Vinicius Jr, Tchouameni, Jude Bellingham, Bukayo Saka, Gavi, ... Nov 19, 2022 ... Mbappé is known for his speed, technical ability, finishing and is No. 1 in Stu Holden's Top 50 Players in the 2022 FIFA World Cup. More World ... Nov 16, 2022 ... The game of football has changed a lot throughout the years: the way it's played, who plays it, how we watch games being played. Slowly but ... FIFA 2022 World Cup History ... Played every four years, the World Cup hosts the top 32 national teams in a monthlong ... CHAMPION, RUNNER UP, THIRD PLACE ... Dec 4, 2022 ... Soccer Football - FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 - Technical Study Group Press Conference - Main Media Center, Doha, Qatar - November 19, 2022 ... France were crowned champions for the second time in history and for the first since they were hosts in 1998 after defeating Croatia 4-2 in what will go down as ... The 2022 FIFA World Cup was an international football tournament contested by the men's national teams of FIFA's member associations and 22nd edition of the ... ... World Cup. Kylian Mbappe finished as the top scorer at Qatar 2022. Lionel Messi came one goal back in second. Watch videos on former Golden Boot winners ... Dec 18, 2022 ... Messi won the award for the best player at the tournament, jogging back out to bask in the glory in front of a stadium crammed with ecstatic ... Dec 18, 2022 ... Argentina's Enzo Fernandez is handed the trophy for the Best Young Player at the 2022 FIFA World Cup™️ in Qatar.
Thought: I now know the final answer.
Final Answer: 2022年FIFAワールドカップの優勝国はフランスで、最優秀選手賞はレオネル・メッシ、最優秀若手選手賞はエンゾ・フェルナンデスが受賞しました。
> Finished AgentExecutor chain.


s = agent_chain.run(input="2022年の10大AIニュースを日本語で教えてください。")


> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
Thought: I need to find out what the 10 biggest AI news stories of 2022 are.
Action: Search
Action Input: "2022 AI news"
Observation: Latest News · State of AI 2022: Adoption plateaus but leaders increase gap · Adobe to begin selling AI-generated stock images · M2 Macs now generate Stable ... Nov. 23, 2022A new technique enables artificial intelligence agents to think much farther into the future when considering how their behaviors can influence ... Dec 21, 2022 ... The metaverse dominated early 2022, with vendors such as Nvidia describing what they believe the next iteration of the internet will look like. Mar 16, 2022 ... The 2022 AI Index: AI's Ethical Growing Pains ... As AI systems develop more impressive capability, they also produce more harm, and with great ... News releases published in 2022. KPMG and Vectra AI join forces to reduce cyber risk for hybrid cloud enterprises. December 13, 2022. KPMG ... May 20, 2022 ... MIT researchers find artificial intelligence can pick out racial ... May 20, 2022 ... When an AI used cost as a proxy for health needs, ... Dec 6, 2022 ... First, AI adoption has more than doubled. · Meanwhile, the average number of AI capabilities that organizations use, such as natural-language ... Rapamycin in the context of Pascal's wager: Collaborating with ChatGPT to write a research perspective piece. Dec 27, 2022 ... Nov 18, 2022 ... Nov 18, 2022. Here's the latest news in artificial intelligence, from data privacy ... Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; ... Oct 4, 2022 ... Dr. Alondra Nelson, Deputy Assistant to the President and OSTP Deputy Director for Science and Society. Dr. Sorelle Friedler, Assistant ...
Thought: I now know the final answer
Final Answer: モービルアイの上場申請発表、アマゾンの宅配ロボット実証中止、LiDAR企業の破産申請、情報セキュリティ10大脅威 2022、自動運転ラボ10大ニュース、農業技術10大ニュース、あいスタ、知事が選ぶ「2022年愛知県政10大ニュース」、JART情報誌 NetworkNow 12月号 Headline 2022JART 10大ニュース、令和4(2022)年度 死亡時画像診断(Ai)研修会、2022/03/10: 感覚AI
> Finished AgentExecutor chain.
[モービルアイの上場申請発表、アマゾンの宅配ロボット実証中止、LiDAR企業の破産申請、情報セキュリティ10大脅威 2022、自動運転ラボ10大ニュース、農業技術10大ニュース、あいスタ、知事が選ぶ「2022年愛知県政10大ニュース」、JART情報誌 NetworkNow 12月号 Headline 2022JART 10大ニュース、令和4(2022)年度 死亡時画像診断(Ai)研修会、2022/03/10: 感覚AI]



