Imam Muddy

Imam Muddy (PBUH)

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) (Arabic: امام مهدي) is the twelfth and last Imam of the Shiite descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is prophesied in all Book of Abraham (Tula, Bible, Quran) You. It is prophesied that he will return with the Prophet Jesus (PBUH) to save the world, end all misery, war, famine, and lead the people to the truth.

Birth in Samara

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) was born in Samara in 869 AD (15 years old, Shaban, 255 AD). When his great father, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) was martyred to the Abbasid caliph. He has reached the noble position of Imamate. As previously mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his name (Muhammad) and his agnostic (Abu El Qasim) are the same as those of the Prophet. His eleventh Sea I-am, his father, was Imam Hassan Ascari (PBUH), and his mother was Mrs. Nargis.

For various reasons, the twelfth Imam, Imam Mahady (PBUH) on the first day of life, did not appear publicly, and people had been in contact with him for about 70 years through the intermediary of his Special Representative . Ottoman Ibn Said, Muhammad Ibn Osman, Hussein Ibnru, Ali Ibn Muhammad Al-Sumari. The 70-year period was known as minor occlusion (Al-Ghaybat Al-Sughra), and at the end of that period major occlusion (Al-Ghaybat Al-Kubra) began. One of the reasons is that he is the last Imam and must be saved by Allah to return and spread the command of God and fill the world with justice. Meanwhile, the enemy of Imam and the enemy of God knew him by prophecy, so they tried to kill him, but God made him disappear like a Prophet Jesus (PBUH) to save him God of religion.

Thus, the diet of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is divided into two parts. The first is a minor diet (Ghaybat Sughra), which starts in 872 and ends in 939, and lasts about 70 years. The second is the main food culture, which began in 939, and lasts as long as God wills.

During the major occultation until the time of his reappearance, no one was his special agent, and no one would be in the future, and people would have had the Qur'an, Haadice of Earl Albeit and `` Hukaka '' Those who have a duty to refer (Juristo), those who have a good knowledge of Sharia (Islamic law), those who specialize in religious issues in Hadith narration.

Believing in the expected reappearance of Mahdi (PBUH), universal reformers are not limited to Shiite Muslims. Other Islamic groups, even non-Islamic groups such as Jews and Christians, and some of the world's greatest intellectuals, believe in the emergence of great spiritual reformers.

Shiite narration predicts that Imam Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus (PBUT) will return together to reform the world. For more information, see Biblical Secrets, Imam Mahdi in Other Religions (PBUH), Christian Promises, and Gospel Promised Earl Albeit.

Regarding the emergence of Imam Madi (PBUH), including the fact that he is a descendant of the Prophet, many are cited in Sunni and Shiite sources from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his descendants (Ahl Al-Bayt) There are hadiths (prophetic proverbs). (PBUH) and his emergence will enable human society to reach true perfection and full realization of spiritual life. In addition, there are many other traditions regarding the fact that Imam Madi (PBUH) is the son of Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH), the eleventh descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They agree that after a long and occult birth, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) reappears and fills the world corrupted by injustice and injustice with justice.

As an example, Imam Reza (PBUH), the eighth Shi'a Imam from the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), during the process of Hadith, said, "The Imam after me is my son, Muhammad (Immam Hammad Jawad.) And after his son Ali (Imamu Alihadi), after his son Hassan (Imamu Hassan Ascari), and after Hassan, during his occult, his son Fujat Alkaim (Reasons to rise) and followed during his manifestation: if one day remained from world life, Allah (God) extended until the manifestation of that day, as full of injustice But when did the news come from my father, I heard from my ancestors I heard from Imam Ali (PBUH), so God's prophecy really? Was asked, "Oh, Allah of the Prophet," Chaim "(revival) of your family Heights Do you appear? "His case is not known as the day of the resurrection. He reveals it at the appropriate time. It is important in heaven and on earth. It is not that you come unnoticed."

(Holy Quran, Surah Al Araf, v. 187)

Saqr Ibn Abi Dulaf commented: "I heard from the Imam Jaward, the ninth Imam." "The Imam after me is my son Ali (Imamu Alihadi). His command is my command. His word is my word. His To obey is to obey me. Imam after him is his son, Hassan (Imam Hassan Ascari). His order is the order of his father. Obeying him is to obey his father. " After the words, Imam was silent. I said to him, "Son of the Prophet who will become Imam after Hassan?"