
#11 視点は、自分の態度すら変えてしまう【一笑門 マガジン】


このマガジンでは、毎朝配信しているPodcastプログラム「伊志嶺海【一笑門 RADIO】」の内容を日本語と英語の記事にて発信しております。



「日本の夜明けを創る。」を合言葉に、相棒とともに夜明創造プロジェクト旦 -TAN-を運営しております。

僕は今「7つの習慣 ティーンズ」という本を読んでいるのですが、パラダイムと言われる物事の見方や考え方に関するお話がありました。














English version★

Good morning. I'm Kai Ishimine.

With the slogan "Creating the dawn of Japan", I run the Dawn Creation Project -TAN- with my buddy.

Today I wanna talk about how perspectives can even change your attitude. I am currently reading a book called "THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEENS," and it talks about paradigms, or ways of seeing and thinking about things.

According to the book, there are some bullshit paradigms. For example, the astronomer Ptolemy really believed in the celestial motion theory, or Bill Gates said in 2004 that the junk mail problem would be solved in two years, etc. Even people who are called geniuses sometimes have paradigms that are off the mark.

This happens often, and the author says that this is like looking at the world with the wrong glasses on. When you look at the world through the wrong glasses, you distort the world you see. And what you see becomes what you really are.

The key here is to make a paradigm shift. If you have a paradigm that says, "I am a bad painter," you can only draw really bad pictures because of that belief. On the other hand, if you have the paradigm that you are good at drawing, your drawings will look good.

In fact, I myself was really bad at drawing, but recently I started drawing with a pencil in an attempt to overcome this problem. When I started to draw, I realized that I could draw reasonably well. Then I became aware that I could draw! and I began to like the pictures I was drawing. I experienced a true paradigm shift.

Some people were skeptical, saying, "Can a feeling alone change the result? However, by shifting to a positive paradigm, you will gain confidence. This confidence is the source of better results.

Also, an interesting episode was introduced in this book. It goes along with the title of this article, "Perspective can even change your attitude." Here is an episode about a man and woman at an airport.

A woman decided to spend some time at the airport reading the newspaper until her flight time. She bought a cup of coffee and a bag of cookies and took a seat.

While relaxing and reading the newspaper, she noticed a rustling noise at the same table and peeked out from behind the newspaper to see a well-dressed young man stealing and eating a cookie.

Not wanting to cause a scene, she silently leaned over and ate one of the cookies. But a minute later, she heard the crusting sound again.

When the cookie was the last one, she was quite annoyed, but did not dare to complain. He broke the last cookie in half, handed it to her, and left with the other half.

A short time later, it was time to check in for boarding, and then the unexpected discovery was made. It was then that she found a bag of cookies in her bag. She was the one who had been eating someone else's cookies.

When I read this episode, I couldn't help but laugh, but when she learned this fact, she changed her attitude and said, "What a kind young man to share his last cookie! and her attitude changed drastically.

In this way, my paradigm is not always correct, right? Sometimes it is important to take off your glasses and look at the world with new glasses, rather than taking what you see too seriously.
