
Decluttering for a Move. - Jan. 21, 2024.

I've been tidying up and letting go of books and clothes in preparation for my move in March. Sorting out most things is easy, but I'm struggling when it comes to books. I have over 100 books, with most of them being my favorite novels. Although I love reading and want to keep my books accessible, they are becoming unmanageable. There are some I've only half-read and others whose contents and plots I've forgotten. My affection for these books is not strong enough to justify keeping them all.

Part of me thinks I'll revisit them someday, while another part doubts that day will come. Haha, the latter seems more realistic, right? My favorite novels have made a significant impact on me, so just seeing their covers brings back memories of their stories. Perhaps it's okay to let go of books that I can't confidently discuss in terms of content and impressions. It's often said that letting go of something makes room for something new. Dreaming of filling my bookshelf with only my absolute favorite books, I'm considering parting with a few.
