
Control the Controllables - Oct. 26, 2023

When I heard my junior's fluent English, my motivation to improve my English skills skyrocketed. "Ah, speaking and writing English fluently really fascinated me. I want to be like her," I thought. Actually, she had studied in America for a year, so she had struggled with many difficulties in an unfamiliar environment, and that experience cultivated her toughness and English skills. As for me, I've never studied abroad. I visited Vietnam, Cambodia, and the U.S. as trips, but not for studying. To be honest, I regret not studying abroad. I assumed I was not good at English. I was just too afraid to challenge it. I missed the chance to improve my English and learn the difficulties of surviving in a foreign place. Now that I look back, this kind of opportunity is really precious and invaluable because it's difficult to get the same experience in Japan.

I love the phrase "Control the Controllables." It means we have to focus on things we can control. We don't have to worry about things we can't change. Regretting not studying abroad always reminds me of this phrase. I can't change my past, my feelings, and my choices at that time, but I can take ownership of my future self. I'll move forward step by step to achieve my ideals.

Control the Controllables.
