
To keep learning at a Ph.D. level - Nov. 17, 2023.

I have a dream of scoring 8.5 points on the IELTS test and passing level 6 on the HSK within the next three years. I also dream of continuing my studies in American Literature at a Ph.D. level and eventually obtaining a Ph.D. in literature. I have a passion for learning and intend to pursue further studies, even if I embark on a career as a salesperson, aiming to enhance my knowledge and competencies in humanities-related fields.

Achieving these dreams requires effective time management and a well-thought-out strategy. Recently, I've been contemplating what steps I need to take and why I am pursuing these dreams. Yesterday, I conducted a brainstorming session to organize my thoughts, bringing clarity to my mind and helping me understand priorities. Foremost, completing my thesis remains a priority. I am initially drafting it in Japanese and subsequently translating it into English, confident that this process will enhance my English writing skills.

Additionally, I aspire to make progress in other language skills such as reading, listening, and speaking. I continue to take a 25-minute online English lesson every day and maintain an English diary. I've also started using the "Speak" application, an English practice app supported by AI, which allows me to practice speaking and listening anytime, anywhere. Furthermore, to strengthen my foundational English skills and steadily develop my reading abilities, I am restarting "Grammar in Use Intermediate." This textbook will be invaluable for reviewing basic knowledge.

I believe that cultivating these skills will ultimately lead me to my overarching dream of studying American literature at the Ph.D. level. I am committed to giving my best effort, and I may share details of my thesis at some point.
