
You are what you eat.

I don't want to be like you because your body seems unhealthy. It's important to have a well-balanced diet, do some exercise, and sleep early and well. These are the keys to living healthily.

I attended get-togethers and drank at work yesterday. It was my second time going to Torikizoku. Haha.

Some superiors said their health checks had bad results, but they didn't know why. It's curious, isn't it? This is because you are made from the food. I mean, you are what you eat.

Let's say you had a car, and that was the only car you'd have for your entire life. You'd take care of it well. What I'm saying is, you have only one mind and one body, and they've got to last a lifetime. You must take care of them.

These are the words of the famous investor Warren Buffett. I'm not sure of his exact words, but he says something like this.

Your body is a "car" that you can't change for another one, so your unhealthy lifestyle will scrap this precious vehicle. To live healthily for as long as possible, we have to care about the food we eat. That's why you are what you eat.

I updated my blog. Check it out!
