



先日、このモヤモヤをピタリと言い当てた言葉に出会いました。パーソナルファイナンスの権威で「I Will Teach You To Be Rich」というブログを運営するRamit Sethiのニュースレターです。

I copied the habits of successful people I admired: I worked out, I read, I studied time management and productivity, I slept 7.5 hours every night… But still, I knew I was missing something huge. I’d read articles and posts about mindsets, and fears, and passion…and scoff. I’m too smart for that. This is “fluffy stuff.” I wanted tactics. But at the same time, it felt like pushing a boulder up a hill — I was trying all these different things, but nothing was really crystallizing. For example, I wasn’t seeing any results in the gym. I couldn’t really increase my rates because clients would laugh and say, “Why would I pay that?” I realized I could do all the right things formulaically, but if I didn’t master my own inner psychology, nothing mattered. All this time, I’d been searching for an external “magic bullet” — the secret that would propel me to success. In truth, the answer was to look internally.

「All this time, I’d been searching for an external “magic bullet” — the secret that would propel me to success.(それまでずっと、自分の外側にある『魔法の銃弾』―それを見つければ成功できる、という秘密―を探していた)」この文を読んで、自分が『魔法の銃弾』を探していたことに気付きました。簡単でお手軽な成功の秘訣を探していたのです。


「Stop searching for a “magic bullet”」。何か新しい自己啓発書を読みたくなった時、この言葉を思い浮かべるようにしています。
