ホツカ ツカサ

ホツカ ツカサ




表現の自由は大事だが、その前に表現をする理由は何かって話だ。誰かを喜ばせたいのか、自分の葛藤を吐き出したいのか、面白いアイデアが溢れ出すからなのか、それとも脳内にいる人たちのお喋りが終わらないからなのか、それとも特定個人に思いを伝えたいからなのか。 自分がどうしてその行動を取るのかを知っておくのは自分を見つめ直すきっかけになるのだろう。惰性的な毎日を切り取れるかもしれない。必要な部分だけを増強できるかもしれない。何より自分が何を大切に思っているか知ることができるかもしれない

    • game of continuous challenge and experimentation

      It is madness to change nothing and expect difference results. I remember the adage that I forgot who said it. But I think the saying is really true. To get some different result, something must be changed from what it was before. It stand

      • 悪意がない人というのは悪意を自覚していない人なのかもしれない。

        • Brakes are important function. but

          Brakes are important function. Without it, the car will go in a direction it should not go. But that does not mean that it is right to use the brakes in all cases. No matter where you try to go, once the brakes are activated, you will never


        • 英語勉強


          What is creativity?

          What is creativity? Creating all the element from scratch is , as a matter of fact, impossible one person. Everyone uses existing technology or is impressed by existing genius. Those who boast that they built it all by themselves from nothi

          Diet and Commerce

          I'm hungry. why? That's because I haven't eaten much food today. If so , why don't you just eat it? you might say. But I have something I have to do. It is a diet. For that I have to put up with some hunger. But starvation is hard. Very pai

          What is the conversation about?

          thinking about conversation. What is the purpose of people's conversations? Is is to escape loneliness? Or is it because they want to make friends? Or is it because they want to keep someone under their control? Even if the language they ar

          What is the conversation about?

          Is there really such a thing as spying?

          my name is john. but I have another name. another name is used to spy active. It is what is called a code name. The general public will have a chance to hear it often in movies. That's what I use in real life. People may long for me to say

          Is there really such a thing as spying?




          what is it that you want?

          what is it that you want? Is it something that can be obtained through hard work? Or does it depend on luck? Or does luck and effort have nothing to do with it? If you want something and you don't know if you will get it, your heart suffer.

          what is it that you want?

          Ordinary happiness

          It is important to concentrate on one place. I think everyone know that. but Many people fail to practice it an live as ordinary people. It is natural. There are people who are halfway there so they can adapt to the work required, which cha


          L2ネットワーク ・LANケーブルで接続された「最小単位のネットワーク」を構成する機器。 ・MACアドレスを記憶する。それにより宛先のポートにだけデータを転送し、効率的なネットワーク運用を実現する。 ・データリンク層を担当する。 ・VLAN機能(スイッチのポートをグループ化し、ブロードキャストドメインを分割する機能)を持つ L3ネットワーク ・ネットワーク層を担当する。 ・ルーティング機能を持つ。 ・LAN同士の接続をメインとして使われる機器 オンプレミス 以下を自


          We must always remember what we acting for

          I'll be back . I've heard this phrase a million times. but I can't remember what movie I heard it in. Yet I will continue to hear this phrase. May be I will even say it. I don't care much about etymology. So I'm not even interested in the m

          We must always remember what we acting for

          Triggers move people

          My body itches. I sometimes get itchy when I work out too much. I think it is inflammation. When that happen, I reflect on the fact that I overdid it. Excessive physical training destroy the body. It's only natural. I don't want inflammatio

          Pursuit creates value

          You have to get to the bottom of one thing. Otherwise, it would not be a viable product. A child would still be allowed. But an adult with no commercial value would not be tolerated. It is not hard to imagine what fate awaits adults who ha

          What follows you wherever you go

          What should we consider in order to make money? I'm not talking about mere pennies, I'm talking about when you make a lot of money. It's easy if It's a small amount. All you have to do is find a part-time job posting somewhere, call, and do

          What follows you wherever you go