


 I got up at 6 : 00 because I need to take a student of my club for practice. It takes from 9:00 to 15:00 in today's practice. I joined and observed a certain practice in an amateur sports club. I learned various methods to practice a certain competition. It was very useful for me because I could learn how to coach and guide junior players.  The sport is the first experience for me. That was why I wanted to learn how to coach and guide.  

 I had ramen near my house in dinner for the first time. I commutes to my work place by car. I discovered the restaurant when I go back my home, so I was so happy to go and eat. The ramen was so delicious. I was satisfied with it. 

 Today was so busy for me, but I enjoyed the day very much because I learned various things which is useful. 

Tomorrow is a work day, so I'm  negative a little bit. But this week finish after three days. I'm going to gather with my old friends and maybe drink some alcohols, so I will get through this days. 

At first, I will endure tomorrow and  be alright. I pray good day by tomorrow.  
