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When you’re visiting an unfamiliar city, it's always good to start somewhere up high to understand the sense and scale of the city quickly. Here’s our picks in Hiroshima.

おりづるタワー/ Hiroshima Orizuru Tower
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Official HP (Japanese)
Tripadvisor (Japanese)

Orizuru Tower is a new Hiroshima landmark opened in 2016, within a short walking distance from the peace memorial. From the top, you can see out into the city of Hiroshima as far as Miyajima and beyond.
Unlike typical view towers in other major cities, the theme here is not just the panoramic view but a sense of reflection. The subdued mention of the ground zero entice the visitor to think and reflect on what once happened, and how far the city has come. Standing in the open-air observatory terrace on the top floor is also a uniquely serene experience.
Google map
Official HP (English)

比治山公園/Hijiyama Park
敷地内には、広島市現代美術館(Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art)や広島市まんが図書館(Hiroshima City Manga Library)もあり、一日中楽しむことができる。
Google map

Hijiyama Park is hill-turned-park, some 10 mins walk from our hotel. The climb to the top is manageable, thanks to the escalators and moving conveyor belt (“Skywalk”) that helps you most of the way. Once you’re up top—approximately 70m above sea level—you can overlook the city center starting at the foot of the hill, and the Seto Inland Sea in the distance. Park is a famous spot for enjoying the cherry blossoms (with around 1,300 sakura trees), but it’s a great spot all year round for watching the sunset and the town lights at night.
The park is also home to the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art (Hiroshima MOCA) and the Hiroshima City Manga Library, making this park an excellent place to spend the day.
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