
Spring 2017 course 4 - Higher Education Policy in Asia -

Introduction of the fourth course in Spring 2017!


こちらはAlessia Lefebure教授(当時)が教えていた、アジアの高等教育(=ざっくりいうと大学教育)政策についての授業です。

This is the Higher Education in Asia offered by then Prof. Alessia Lefebure. 

1. 授業構成 ~世界からアジア、そして各国~

The organization is as follows (according to syllabus).

Week1 Introduction and overview
Week2 Context: International trends and evolutions in Higher Education
Week3 Context: Erasmus, Bologna, and Lisbon. International mobility, harmonisation and competitiveness in Europe
Week4 The search for modernity and economic growth in Asia: overview
Week5 Japan: demographic pressure and bureaucratic reform
Week6 South Korea: technological innovation and the role of the private sector in research universities
Week7 Singapore: building a Higher Education System and bringing the world to it
Week 8 Taiwan and Hong Kong: adaptation to the consequence of Mainland China's development
Week9 Mainland China: combining Mass Higher Education and elitism, internationalization of education and social stability
Week10 India: the dilemma of a World Class country without World class Higher Education? Is Pakistan following the path?
Week11 Global rankings and soft power shifts
Week12 Big Data, MOOCs, Digital literacy,...: Revolution or "Business as usual"?
Week13 Blog final discussion
Week14 Final summary, Conclusion, Farewell

2. 特色 ~各国の比較分析~



Starting with internationalization in Higher Edu, we delve into the Asian context in HE and then focus on each country and policies.

Each Asian country has different role in HE, distribution of private and public universities, financial support, latitude of universities and degree of internationalization. It was quite intriguing to me to learn different strategies to promote HE as a key to economic growth and discuss possible future directions.

3. 評価 ~なんとペーパー課題ゼロ!~



・個人プレゼン ※冒頭で紹介したリンクのもの


Another interesting thing is that this course will not impose any paper assignment.
Grading is mainly composed of individual presentation, blog posts, and participation.

この真ん中のBlog Postというのが、今までのどの授業でもやったことない手法でとても勉強になりました。

ざっくりいうと、3~5人のチームで毎週チーム内の誰かがHigher Educationに関するお題をポストします(私はData teamだったので、どこかから国際比較のdataやそれを分析した記事なんかを引用してブログを書きます)。


This blog post is a new way of training skills and very useful.

Every team of 3-5 people (my team was Blog team!) is supposed to post a blog once in a week. In my case we pulled data about international comparison and presented it with relevant articles or guiding questions to elicit comments from classmates, which is quite different from writing a paper (when we are not aware of readers).


Next Monday will be my last day of class in this semester! I'll post about the last Spring course next time.

